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User:Almondmatcha/Armed conflict for control of the favelas in Greater Rio de Janeiro/Bibliography

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You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.

Bibliography below.


  • Richmond, Matthew Aaron. 2019. “‘Hostages to Both Sides’: Favela Pacification as DualSecurity Assemblage.” Geoforum 104: 71–80.
    • I intend to use this in Section 3 because this article details policing practices by the UPP, as well as the effect they had on favelas and communities because they often built on practices already established by organized crime groups.
  • Magaloni, Beatriz et al. 2020. “Killing in the Slums: Social Order, Criminal Governance, and Police Violence in Rio De Janeiro.” The American Political Science Review 114(2):552–72.
    • This will also be used in Sections 2 and 3 because it focuses on data from observations of the UPP and organized crime groups. It will be helpful in explaining whether state intervention actually helped deter OCGs.
  • Saborío, Sebastian. 2017. “Policía Pacificadora, legitimidad y prácticas de ocupaciónterritorial *.” Antípoda : Revista de Antropología y Arqueología (29): 105–22.
    • This can be used in section 3 to explain the legitimacy of the UPP and the work it did on a day to day basis since it is more of a qualitative approach. Mazzurana, Leonardo, and Victor Almeida. 2022. “Integrated Information Circle: The Challenge of Integrating the Civil and Military Police.” Revista de Administração Contemporânea 26(2): 1-18,1A-18A.- This can be used in both sections 2 and 3 to explain how the UPP works with local police and the challenges faced that further affect the relationship between the state and OCGs
  • Ricotta, Giuseppe. 2017. “En el territorio del enemigo: las Unidades de Policía dePacificación (UPP) en una favela de Río de Janeiro, Brasil *.” Antípoda : Revista deAntropología y Arqueología (29): 63–79.
    • This can give specific examples of work done by the UPP in one favela if specific examples are needed in Section 3.
  • Arias, Enrique Desmond. 2013. “The Impacts of Differential Armed Dominance of Politics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.” Studies in Comparative International Development 48(3):263–84.
    • This can be used in Section 1 and Section 3 to explain the relationship OCGs have with the police, and how they are often interconnected in Rio de Janeiro to the benefit of theOCGs. It can also be used to further explain the organization of OCGs like CV.
  • Arias, Enrique Desmond. 2006. “The Dynamics of Criminal Governance: Networks andSocial Order in Rio de Janeiro.” Journal of Latin American Studies 38(2): 293–325.
    • This will offer more context to Section 1 and the history of the favelas and fighting between the state, state actors, and OCGs. It will also further the analysis of the relationship between these two entities.
  • Jański, Kamil. 2022. “Primeiro Comando Da Capital and Comando Vermelho: Genesis,Evolution and Their Impact through Narco-Culture.” Ad Americam 23: 5-27,119.
    • This will be a good resource to use in Section 1 for explaining the history and organization system of Comando Vermelho and similar OCGs that are present in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Arias, Enrique Desmond. 2019. “Social Responses to Criminal Governance in Rio deJaneiro, Belo Horizonte, Kingston, and Medellín.” Latin American Research Review54(1): 165–80.
    • I think this will be important for the specific subheading “Amarildo Souza and UPP abuses” as that instance of police violence led to mass protests and was a turning point in the decline of the UPP’s legitimacy/trust.
    • Nemesis by Misha Glenny -- will add citation w
      • A book following one of Brazil's most prolific criminals. This source will help me explain some of the history of the favelas, OCGs, and history leading up to the 2020s.



Outline of proposed changes


Click on the edit button to draft your outline.

  1. Revised Introduction
  2. History of organized crime in Rio de Janeiro
  3. Criminal organizations in Rio de Janeiro
    1. ADA drug gang
    2. CV drug gang
    3. TCP drug gang
    4. Jogo de Bicho illegal gamblings group
    5. Milicia organizations
  4. Formation of the UPP
    1. Early success
    2. Amarildo Souza and UPP abuses
    3. 2016-Present
  5. Revised timeline of incidents in Rio de Janeiro

I also plan to delete a lot of the section detailing the helicopter crash just because it is so specific and doesn't clarify anything about the surrounding conflict. I need to clean up a lot as the page is all over the place.