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I am a current freshman (Class of 2020) at Washington University in St. Louis. My primary interests include the fields of microbiology, immunology, and biomaterials. This interests stem from prior research projects at the University of Chicago and Chicago State University. At the University of Chicago my research projects included using silicon nanowires as scaffolds for growing cardiomyocytes in order to create a biomaterial that could replace a pacemaker and creating an interface between T-Cells and silicon nanowires that would allow the T-Cell Receptor to be activated remotely by way of the photoeletric properties of the silicon nanowires. At Chicago State University my work included research on the discoidin protein created by Dictyostelium discoideum and how it may related to the human DDR1 gene. My honors include being an IJAS science fair participant for 6 years straight, being and alternate for the INTEL National Science and Engineering fair twice, and having my work recognized by the College of American Pathologists. I am also an artist on the side.