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User:Amplified Heat

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Amplified Heat is a Texas Power Trio consisting of brothers Jim, Chris and Gian Ortiz. The band is widely known for their electrifying live shows, delivering some of the loudest and high octane shows today. With one EP and Three Albums under their belt, Amplified Heat has been spending the last couple of years performing live and working in the studio. Utilizing vintage equipment Amplified Heat strive to recreate a sound rarely heard in contemporary rock music. Their equipment consists of vintage Fender and Marshall amplification and Ludwig drums(Ringo kit). Blues and jazz rhythms fused with the sheer intensity of punk rock and the heavy volume of metal are at the center of Amplified Heat's sound. They have often times been compared to Cream, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, ZZ Top, Blue Cheer, and Black Sabbath; all of which were influences on the three brothers. Amplified Heat is comprised of James H. Ortiz on guitar and lead vocals, Chris Ortiz on drums, and Gian Ortiz on bass and vocals. The band was formed in 1995 under the name Blues Condition, and changed to Amplified Heat in 2003. The band is based out of Austin, Texas.


The Ortiz brothers grew up in La Puente, CA after brief stays in New Jersey where Jim was born September 10, 1972 and Cali, Colombia where Chris was born February 13, 1976 and Gian on May 19, 1979. The brothers were heavily influenced by the radio stations that were popular in LA in the late seventies and eighties. The boys were raised by their parents Jose and Stella Ortiz who listened almost exclusively to latin music, but this did not appeal to the boys who instead were drawn to the heavier bands flooding the airwaves, Motorhead, Van Halen, Metallica, Black Sabbath and many more. At the same time they were drawn to the music from the sixties, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Cream, The Who, and most importantly the Jimi Hendrix Experience who would become one of their biggest influences, in fact the discovery of Jimi Hendrix caused Jim to switch from drums to guitar. The boys became obsessed with music, finding anything to play with, rigging speakers for makeshift performances and writing rudimentary songs. The Ortiz boys moved to Houston, TX in 1987. This move would also become very important in influencing their sound, it was in Houston where the boys found the blues. In the summer of 1988 Jim and Chris joined a friend and neighbor Thomas Ortiz(no relation) in Project O. They played fast, loud, power chord driven music. They later formed Mass Abomination, this time with little brother Gian on bass. They continued playing as Mass Abomination, Thomas moved to Miami in 1993. Jim and Chris continued to play with various musicians and bands, the two brothers frequented the blues jams in Houston. In 1997 Chris moved to Austin, in frustration with the stagnant Houston music scene. Jim was easily convinced to make the move, after seeing how easily his brother was able to find a band to play with and seeing the potential with the active Austin music scene. The two brothers struggled to find a perfect fit on the bass, but it wasn't until they had a gig in Bastrop where youngest brother Gian stepped in on bass that they found the perfect player. The trio which was by now playing as Blues Condition, was now complete. They began playing their version of rock and roll, with a heavy blues influence, and a punk backbone. The trio were soon introduced to Chris "Frenchie" Smith an up and coming producer who recorded their first EP in 2002. Following the release of the EP the band changed its name to Amplified Heat as the music took a turn from the blues to a nastier heavier sound. The band performed in the Austin Red River District on a regular basis, and started to gather a reputation for loud, stomping music. In 2004 local record label Arclight Records signed the band to an exclusive three album deal. Amplified Heat released in 2004 their debut LP "In For Sin" and began touring throughout the United States. 2006 saw the re-release of their EP with bonus tracks, and the bands sophomore record "How Do You Like The Sound Of That". The band continued to play and gather interest including a write up in Rolling Stone after David Fricke saw them at SXSW in 2007. Amplified Heat toured extensively until 2010 when they began recording their third and latest album "On The Hunt". Currently the band is in the studio working on their upcoming album, and performing live. Gian Ortiz also plays bass with local Austin band The Ripe. Chris Ortiz also plays drums with the Jamey Simms Band.


EP "Amplified Heat"(Red Disk)-2002

"In For Sin" Arclight Records-2004

Reissue EP "Amplified Heat"-2006

"How Do You Like The Sound of That" Arclight Records-2006

"On The Hunt" Gonzolondia Records-2010


Jim Ortiz


Fender Stratocaster

Fender Telecaster

Gibson SG


1966 Fender Bassman 50

1968 Fender Bassman 50

Marshall Super Lead 100

4-6 Marshall 4x12 Cabinets


Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer

Boss Blues Driver

Vox Wah Wah

Chris Ortiz


1966 Ludwig Black Oyster Pearl Ringo Kit

Paiste cymbals

Vic Firth drumsticks

Gian Ortiz


1963 Gibson EB3

1970 Gibson EBO

1974 Fender Music Master

1960s Fender Jazz Bass

Dan Electro Longhorn


1969 Fender Bassman 135

1970 Fender Bassman 135

2-1969 Fender 2x15 Cabinets

2 Marshall 2x12 Cabinets

[[Category:Rock N Roll]] [[Category:Loud music]] [[Category:Fender, Marshall Amplification]]