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Amy Guth (born in Asheville, North Carolina) is an American writer and Digital News Editor for the Chicago Tribune's literary department. She is also co-host of ChicagoNow Radio on WGN Radio and author of the novel "Three Fallen Women" (So New, 2006).

Guth can be seen as an extra in the "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl..." episode in season three of the HBO television series "Sex and the City" which first aired June 25, 2000.

In 2001, Guth moved from New York to Chicago, where through The Second City Training Center's improvisation and sketch comedy writing programs she co-wrote two productions, "Uterine Wailing Wall" and "Anton Chekhov's Bastard Child."

Guth is a recipient of a Million Writers Award and her work was listed among storySouth's notable stories of 2007. Her writing appears in Monkeybicycle, The Believer (magazine), The Nervous Breakdown, Jewcy, Bookslut, Performink and Ninth Letter.