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An African Lion is an adventure novella written by British writer, Edward.G.Price, published by Independent publishing, 24th of October 2016. Set in the African savanna it features many types of animals of Africa. Although they live in their natural habitat they are anthropomorphised possessing skills and personalities of different types to rise to the challenges of the challenges around themselves. Hounded by a seemingly unbeatable and bloodthirsty male lion the story follows a lion cub and his companion's dangerous journey to the great tree of fireflies to find more verdant lands, peace and the cub's mother.

An African lion and the great Tree of Fireflies was Edward Price's first book. It features black and white illustrations by Ruxandra Serbanoiu.

Characters in the book include the lion cub, Regulus who, lost is fleeing the giant male lion and is searching his mother. He grows and learns everyday and is determined to defeat the monstrous lion if it is the only way to find his mother and bring peace to the savanna.

Other characters include:

Papio is a chirpy baboon who aids the cub in finding the verdant new lands of the great tree of fireflies. With his brave war cry “Alert, focused, all seeing senses, dart, stalk, winner, fast, intelligent, brave, very sly, is the dangerous glint in Papio’s eye!” he becomes a dear ally to the cub.

Meru is a giraffe and "tallest person in the world" traditionally guides people between the plain and the mountain. She becomes more than just a guide in the story. Although often annoying Papio with her slurpy kisses, she becomes a key ally and a dear friend.

The shoe-bill crane, Tocus, has lived on the plains for many years and is shocked by the bloodshed caused by the beast lion, Amras. His nine feet wingspan allows him to soar and spot enemies at great distances.

The forgotten beast lion, Amras is almost double the size of other male lions and with his chant: “One, for the blood of a lion cub; two, for the mother – fur colored red; three, for my rule as King, I will hunt him until he is dead!” he is a deadly enemy who assumes he is the King of the savanna.