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Andrew Magnaye is a Canadian short-story writer, poet, and connoisseur of soda and anything macabre. He lacks any credentials (besides his credit card).


  • A lie a day keeps insanity at bay.
  • Love can be both a disease and a blessing. A disease when malignant, a blessing when benign.
  • There's something lonely about that bit of hot chocolate, that drop at the end, that you can never seem to sip.
  • Woe is me that I sojourn in a volatile world such as this: Where tomorrow's me is not the same as today's me and the me today could never understand me yesterday. Who am I, really?
  • I broke my own heart today, for the sake of my heart tomorrow.
  • I don't wait until the last minute - I wait until that minute has passed.
  • There may be plenty of fish in the sea - But no fish, in their right mind, will fall in love with a shark.



Beautiful glowing beads run down the plexiglass of a delayed subway car. I know I am home.