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Spartan Soldier

Spartans or the people of Sparta who came to power in 650 BC.[1] They had the reputation of power, discipline, and loyalty to country. There isn't really a lot of history behind the Spartans because they didn't produce any historians. Sparta had a very wide range of international appeal, many places like there government system, but non really followed it because of the laws and discipline. The Spartans had one of the best armies in the Peloponnese and were often called to war. There soldiers were trained since youth and were very physical and athletic.[2]

Growing up Spartan


Whether boy or girl Spartan babies were inspected to see if it was healthy, and if it wasn't then the baby was abandoned. The reason behind this was that they only wanted strong soldiers and healthy mothers to have healthy sons. A boy at the age of seven would begin a lifetime of training. They moved into barracks which he would live their until he was thirty years old. At the barracks they had a hard diet, strict discipline, and were forced into rough exercise. They were often told to steal food which would help them develop there cunning. At the age of twenty a man could get married, but they could not live with her for another ten years. Spartan girls also part of a warrior society, and were expected to bring forth healthy soldiers. They exercised and strengthened their bodies which was something no other Greek woman did.[3]



As the first king of Sparta Leonidas lead the Spartans in a legendary battle in where 300 Spartan soldiers took on 4,000 Persian soldiers in the battle at Thermopylae.The Persian king Xerxes wanted to take control of all the Peloponnese. Sparta would not let go of their freedom. Leonidas only took middle aged men who had a son, so they had a successor. This action stalled the Persians so that the Greeks could come. Leonidas lead one of the most heroic defeats in history. [4]



Sparta is located in a fertile valley that is surrounded by a mountains. Sparta began as invading Dorian Greeks who later conquered the countryside of Laconia and Messenia. Spartans for a long time relied on their army force for their protection against invaders or or their subjects. they didn't necessarily need walls because they were surrounded by mountains. They would often kill and abuse the helots to keep the people from rebelling.[5]


  1. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica,Vol 8. 337-340
  2. ^ Discovering the World of the Ancient Greeks. Zofia Archibald,Quantum Books Ltd.122-3
  3. ^ World History, Connections to Today. Elisabeth Gaynor Ellis, Anthony Esler. Prentice hall,106-7
  4. ^ Greece. Alexander Eliot,American Heritage Publishing Co.61-2
  5. ^ http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Sparta.aspx