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Space is awesome and sometimes people don't realise how amazing it is. Do you want to learn more about space? Well, read on to find out more!


Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. It looks red but don't let the coulor fool you, it's actually very cold. Mars is half the size of Earth. Did you know two robots are on Mars, (One of them isn't working at the moment,) however the other still is? They have been digging underground to see if there is any water under there, because where ever there's water there's life. Amazingly, one robot went into mars'es atmosphere and it took pictures of dried rivers and lakes. Also Mars has two moons called Phobos and Deimos. Incredibly, the sky on Mars is pink!


Venus, or the morning star is he second planet from the sun. This planet has chemical clouds. Below the thick layer of clouds Venus has rocky plains. Venus spins in the opposite direaction to he Earth, meaning he sun rises in the West and sets in the East. Did you know it takes 243 Earth days for Venus to just spin once? The surface temperature is about 482oC (900oF.) Venus is the brightest planet in the evening sky, depending on where it is in its orbit around the sun. That's why it's known as the morning or evening star.


Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, it is also the smallest. Pluto is smaller however, it has been renamed as a dwarf planet. .Amazingly, Mercury has boiling days but freezing cold nights. Did you know in Roman mythology Mercury was the messenger of the gods? One of Mercury's craters (the Calories Basin) is so large that the British is else could fit comfortably in it. Cross-section of Mercury is an iron core. Incredibly, Mercury has no moons.