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Hello there!

I'm a linguistics student from Amsterdam, currently doing my MA (2010/2011).

Within linguistics, I have a special interest in phonetics and phonology and second language (L2) acquisition.

I am fluent and fairly native-like (in all aspects, so including phonology and phonetics) in the following languages: Ripuarian, Limburgish, Dutch, German and English. Of this I am quite proud!

My actual native languages could be said to be Ripuarian and Limburgish, whilst being exposed to Dutch from a very early age as well (I had acquired it by the time I entered school at 4 years of age, for example). I started learning German at the age of two and a half and I suppose I have been learning English for most of my life as well since I have always been exposed to it through television and music.

Apart from well, just being good at it, I suppose, learning new languages as well as dialects and accents is one of my hobbies, so I spend time actively trying to learn more. I am currently working on my Irish (Gaelic), on some English language accents (currently most notably Scottish, Northern Irish and Geordie) as well as on a variety of Flemish Dutch accents.

My youtube account, where you can also find examples of my speech, can be found here.