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I am Aritra Ghosh and aristro is my preferred nickname. I am from Kolkata,India and is an Engineer by profession.

Hobbies and Interests[edit]

I have interest in everything under the sun and like to keep an open mind and alert senses to grasp all that the world has to offer. I may be termed as 'A Jack of All Trades' by the cynic or 'A Man of All Seasons' by the admirers. I like to delve into fields of Science,Religion,History,Literature,Painting and Sketching,Sports,Films,Computer-Games,Music and what not and expand my knowledge on them. I have no intention of being a master of any of them as I feel that may constrict our views and prevent enjoying all the facets of this wonderful human civilization.

Contact Me[edit]

I may be contacted through my personal email-ID mentioned below.

--Aristro (aristro@gmail.com) 06:43, 26 February 2011 (UTC)