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Hi there! I am Arun Kumar Gupta. You know what is the meaning of "Arun", in Indian mythology "Arunodaya" means starting of the day and "Arun - Kaal" means dawn. I live in Ahmedabad.

In about Me, I would say, I love to go office on Saturdays as well as on Sundays if I don't have some dirty clothes back to my room to wash :(, for this i have two reasons. First Internet speed :D (B'coz no one in the office is using internet except me on Sat or Sun :D). Second I love to learn new things even though they are not relevant to my career n all I get a place to brain-storm, I don't care about career, I only care about my passion about learning. You won't believe that I don't take rest, I need something to do all the time. It may be anything like watching movies, reading paper or doing coding and yes also learning new things. Currently besides my boring job I am contributing on two open source projects Regextoword and FreeCDS, it's my interesting Job after office :(. Frankly speaking I'm looking for a job where I can satisfy my curiosity, my passion, my love.

Besides this technical job, I am a social worker too, we (me and my friend Abhi and Boscy D) started a school "Shloka Foundation" for underprivileged students, these children's life is like hell, they don't even have anything to wear, they are just like sorry!! I regret to say word "animals", they don't know how to live life, and we are at top of our human era, so ridiculous. It's been seven months since we started this, now after too much struggling to convince their parents, we sent 16 students to Municipal School (Vastrapur Ahmedabad), our struggle didn't end yet. We used to go to our so called "Mobile" school on Sunday(8-10am) and Wednesday (8-9am).

I love to play Cricket, Computer Games, learning new stuffs as like all other youngsters.

All I want to say "I love my life".

I completed my M.tech from DA-IICT Gandhinagar, a good college to study and a good college to live and research, also I was in a project "DAMN" funded by IEEE Student Branch and Gujrat Govt.

If you have any queries regarding Networks, Network programming, NS2, algo(not much), Coding, please let me know I will try to help you ASAP. I am open to take suggestions about my naive communication skills or Job offers too ;-) mail@arungupta.co.in