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Ashish Ranjan

Ashish Ranjan (petname Anshu) was born in a middle class family in Patna in the state of Bihar, India on the 14th of January in the year 2000. His childhood was relatively normal like most children. In December 2015 he started experiencing vision losses in both eyes. After follow-ups with the leading eye specialist in his city, his disease was misdiagnosed as Neuritis (inflammation and swelling of the nerve fibres in the optic nerve) and thereafter further aggressive treatment of Neuritis led to complete vision loss in both eyes in the month of February 2016. When he was taken to a Neurologist at Paras Hospitals, Patna, it was revealed through a MRI that he had a Brain Tumour in the anterior lobe of the Pituitary Gland called Craniopharyngioma. Due to the mistreatment, his case had worsened and the lead Neurosurgeon Dr. V S Mehta at Paras Hospitals stated "His chances of surviving the operation is less than 1% and its next to zero of getting his vision back". As Ashish Ranjan was a minor, his parents took the decision that they would move ahead with the procedure. He was quickly admitted in the ICU and underwent a surgery lasting 4 hours. After regaining consciousness, to the Doctor's astonishment, he regained his vision and was perfectly normal now.

“The tumor was growing and it was progressively affecting optic nerve. It had already damaged the boy’s vision in both eyes completely even there was no perception of light, both pupil were dilated and no reaction to light and further delay in removing it could have been extremely dangerous to the life of the child. Tumors in the brain can be very harmful and affect a patient in unforeseen ways if they cause brain damage. We realized immediately that the only chance of saving the child’s vision was to take a chance of removing tumor. However, we were not sure of the possibility of saving his vision since not many cases in medical history have shown us a reversal of damaged vision in such cases,” said Dr Mehta.

The case of Ashish Ranjan's Craniopharyngioma was considered a marvel in the Neural Society. Read about it in the reference column below.


  1. ^ Paras Hospitals (13 February 2016). "Amazing Case of Craniopharyngioma | Brain Tumor". Paras Hospitals. Retrieved 24 January 2019.