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Introduction to Spectral Filtering


Spectral Filtering is a method of getting rid of noise and generating a clearer more accurate image of selected data. This method filters data according to increasing or decreasing wavelength, killing data that does not fit in with this pattern[1]. The main objective of the spectral filtering is to remove unwanted frequencies and emphasis more on the signals with certain frequencies. In seismic data processing, it can be used to remove noises of the ambient environment.



Fourier transform and filtering


Suppose that g(t) is a response of an experiment, then the Fourier transform casts it into the frequency domain. Fourier Transform (FT) is defined by [2] [3] [4] [5]

where is the imaginary unit, is angular frequency, and is the kernel of FT. A basic property of the FT is that the time span of a time series is inversely proportional to its spectral bandwidth. Other Properties of the Fourier transform can be seen elsewhere.

Selected parts of the frequency spectrum can easily undergo piecewise mathematical manipulations (attenuated or completely removed). These manipulations result into a "filtered" spectrum. By applying inverse FT to the filtered frequency spectrum, the modified signal or "filtered" signal can be obtained. Therefore, signal smoothing can be easily performed with removing completely the frequency components from a certain frequency and up, while the useful (information bearing) low frequency components are retained [6] .

Different types of Spectral Filtering


Spectral filtering could be of the forms of band-pass, band-reject, high-pass, and low-pass filters[7] [8] [9] . Below, each filter is represented.

high-pass filtering passes through the high frequencies and cuts the low frequencies.

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
High-pass filter

Low-pass filter that allows the low frequencies components to pass through, but cuts off the high spatial frequencies.

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Low-pass filter

Band-pass filleting is one of the mostly used types of filters since seismic data usually have low-frequency noise (such as ground roll) and also high frequency noises of the ambient environment. Purpose of the band-pass filter in to pass through certain bandwidth with little or no modifications and largely suppress the remaining part of the spectrum.

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Band-pass fillet

Inverse Fourier transfom of the filtered data in frequency domain introduces noise if the end abounds of the domain are sharp. Tapering the filter can reduce this noise.

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Tapered band-pass filter

Band-pass vs. Tapered Band-pass


FT of step-function and tapered step-fucntion are presented here as examples.

Step-function in time domain is:

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Step function

FT of step-function in frequency domain is:

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Fourier Transform of Unit step function

Tapered step-function in time domain is:

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Tapered step function

FT of tapered-step-function in frequency domain is:

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Fourier Transform of tapered step function

Filtering Example


A function (exponential) is plotted in figure below

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Plot of a function in time domain

Figure below shows the inverse FT of the top figure.

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Plot of a function in time domain

Figure below shows the inverse FT of the filtered function. A unit step function was used to do the filtering in the frequency domain.

Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su'.
Plot of the filtered function

As we can see, filtering has resulted in artificial noises.

Results and discussions


SuUnix was used on a set of real data. Data consist only of S-waves. Frequency spectrum of the frequencies generates from FT of the data is plotted in figure below:

sufft < file_name.su | suamp | suximage clip=100  // Fast Fourier Transform of 'file_name.su' and displaying the results

Frequency spectrum of the individual traces in '.su' files can be plotted using the following command,

suxedit < file_name.su   f                       
// suxedit displays information such as shot point and geophones locations, date and time and location of collecting the date, ... . pressing 'f' after using 'suxedit' displaces FFT of the displayed trace

Fast Fourier Transform.
Fast Fourier Transform of a trace in 'file_name.su'. The vertical axis is frequency (Hz) and horizontal axis shows the trace number

Following script is used for the filtering. 'Sufilter' is the standard command in SuUnix for filtering. 'f' determines the array of filter frequencies (Hz)and 'amps' defines the array of filter amplitudes.


# cat.sh
# Dec. 5 2012
# Program to filter the results
# Ali Takbiri Borujeni

# set up working directories

# looping through 6 "su" files
for file_name in file1 file2 file3 file4 file5 file6 
        echo 'Filtering' $file_name'.su'                  // printing the name of the files are being filtered on the screen
        sugain <$SU_DIR/$file_name.su agc=1 wagc=0.6 	\ //automatic gain control parameters. agc=1 turns the gain control option on 
        | 						\
        sufilter f=3,6,100,180 	amps=0,1,1,0			\ //filtering with filter parameters of f=3,6,100,180
        | 						\
        suximage  clip=5 title=$output_file_2 &           // displaying results using interpolated variabledensity (suximage), with a clip=5

In the below figures, array of frequencies of the tapered band-pass filter is changed from f=3,6,100,180 to f= 3, 30,100,180. Output results of the filtering (using gain control wagc=0.6) using two different tapered band-pass filters are displayed below.

wagc=0.6 and f= 3,6,100,180
wagc=0.6 and f= 3,30,100,180


  1. ^ Arrell, K.; Wise, S.; Wood, J.; Donoghue, D. (2008), Spectral filtering as a method of visualising and removing striped artefacts in digital elevation data. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
  2. ^ Liner, Christopher L. (2004), Elements of #d Seismology
  3. ^ Yilmaz, Öz; M Doherty, Stephen (2001), Seismic data analysis : processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic data
  4. ^ Margrave, Gary F. (1996). "Theory of nonstationary linear filtering in the Fourier domain with application to time variant filtering}". CREWES Research Report —. 8.
  5. ^ Al-Shuhail, Wail A. Mousa (2011), Processing Seismic Reflection Data: Using Matlab, Morgan & Claypool Publishers
  6. ^ "Fourier Analysis and Signal Filtering".
  7. ^ Yilmaz, Öz; M Doherty, Stephen (2001), Seismic data analysis : processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic data
  8. ^ Smith, Mark K. (1958). "A review of methods of filtering seismic data volume=3" (1). {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help); Missing pipe in: |title= (help)
  9. ^ Tarner, M. T.; Koehler, F.; Sheriff, R. E. (1979). "Complex seismic trace analysis". Geophysics. 44 issue=6 (1). {{cite journal}}: Missing pipe in: |volume= (help)