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APAPaddock, C. (2015, March 10). "Drug testing using 'heart-on-a-chip' steps closer." Medical News Today. Retrieved from

New Information:

1) There are five primary color-tests reagents used for general screening purposes. The Marquis reagent turns into a variety of colors when in the presence of different substances. Dillie-Koppanyi reagent uses two chemical solutions which turns a violet-blue color in the presence of barbiturates. Duquenois-Levine reagent is a series of chemical solutions that turn to the color of purple when the vegetation of marijuana is added. Van Urk reagent turns blue-purple when in the presence of LSD. Scott Test's chemical solution shows up as a faint blue for cocaine base.[1]

2) Codeine: Hair Test Detectability Up to 90 Days. Blood/Oral Fluid Detectability 1-4 Days.[2]

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Urinalysis is primarily used because of its low cost. Urine drug testing is one of the most common testing methods used. The enzyme-multiplied immune test is the most frequently used urinalysis. Complaints have been made about the relatively high rates of false positives using this test.

Up to 90 Days. 1 to 4 Days.

There are five primary color-tests reagents used for general screening purposes. The Marquis reagent turns into a variety of colors when in the presence of different substances. Dille-Koppanyi reagent uses two chemical solutions which turns a violet-blue color in the presence of barbiturates. Duquenois-Levine reagent is a series of chemical solutions that turn to the color of purple when the vegetation of marijuana is added. Van Urk reagent turns blue-purple when in the presence of LSD. Scott Test's chemical solution shows up as a faint blue for cocaine base.

Word Count: 143 Words.

Foot partol has been shown to decrease citizens fear of crime. <ref> Worrall, John L. (2010). "The effects of policing on crime." Pp.37-50 in R. Dunham and G. Alpert, crtical issues in policing, 6th ed. Long Grove, IL:


  1. ^ Saferstein, Richard (2013). Forensic science:from the crime scene to the crime lab. Upper Saddle Rive: Pearson Education Inc. p. 271. ISBN 978-0131391871.
  2. ^ Swanson, Charles (2012). Criminal investigation. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. ISBN 9781121884670.