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User:Barry munalula

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'namibian crocodiles'


""'crocodile"" 'are classified under Reptile family and they are very dangerous predator which leaves in water, with a powerful

'tails used in for balance when swimming, scaly hide, strong jaws used in catching its prey and rows of sharp teeth for bite its prey'.



Crocodile kills big prey along thier river's edge from the water and drag them under the water.



Crocodile feeds on fish in water, and other Wild animals which attempts to play or cross rivers, and also they attacks on Humans and their Domestic Animals are common during Flood time. Crocodiles does not chew their food. If prey is too large to swallow, then crocodiles will tear it to bits by seizing a mouthful and spinning to disorientate the victim (if it hasn't died of a heart attack by then!).




Crocodile lives in rivers with fresh water like Zambezi river, Chobe river, and many more in Caprivi region,and Kunene river, kavango river in Kavango region.

[3] .



Their Breeding season starts in may female crocodiles lays 25 to 80 eggs on land by burying them in sand 500mm deep, two months after mating and Incubated for three months under a male guard.



  1. ^ [[1]]
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  3. ^ [[3]]
  4. ^ [[4]]

user:Barry munalula(user talk: Barry munalula/talk) 18;55. November 2011 (UTC)namibia crocodiles. Barry munalula (talk) 16:15, 1 December 2011 (UTC)