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I want to add to the page “Global Perceptions of Autism”.

There are multiple Wikipedia pages that address the social and cultural aspects of autism. They explain the increasing societal acceptance of autism, such as through the autism rights movement, but they are written from a predominantly western viewpoint. There is a page entitled “Global Perceptions of Autism” that compares the diagnosis, treatment, and experiences of autism in western and developing cultures. However, the information regarding autism in developing countries is limited to merely 2 subsets: Asia and Africa. It does not attempt to break down these extremely large continents into separate categories, even though they have a variety of countries with differing cultures and levels of development. For instance, “Asia” compounds autism implications all the way from India to Japan.

I feel that this a very important topic because the autism rights movement and autism cure movement should not be limited to western society. Not only is it a humanitarian matter, but global acceptance and recognition of autism can help further the search for effective therapies and ultimately a cure.

Since recognition of autism in many Asian countries occurred within the last few decades, I am hoping new research has recently been released on the topic. At the least, I plan to develop the content of diagnosis, treatment, and experience of autism in Asian countries, breaking up the content by country. If I find I have more time, I would like to contribute to the section on Africa. However, I will initially focus on Asia.