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Small Box Respirators[edit]

The small box respirator was the initial compact version of the recent gas mask. In late 1916, the respirator was introduced by the British with the purpose to provide reliable protection against chlorine and phosgene gas. The respirator offered as a first line of defense against the gas. A later and more toxic gas, mustard gas, was created by Germans and was a vesicant that burnt the skin of individuals that were exposed to it. Death rates were high with exposure to the both mixed phosgene chlorine and mustard gas, however with soldiers having readily available use to the small box respirator, death rates had lowered significantly. Light and reasonably fitting, the respirator was a key piece of equipment to readily protect soldiers respiratory health on the battlefield.

Material and Construct[edit]

The small box respirator is a rubberized fabric fask mask that is connected by a fabric rubber hose to a tin made chemical canister absorbent. The face mask is light and made out of light weight khaki cotton fabric that was coated with a thin layer of black rubber. Khaki cotton tape, located in the middle of forehead region of the mask, connects to black elastic strips from the cheeks to ascertain a suitable fit for the carrier. The circular eye pieces are set in metal rims that are consistent of celloid which is sealed on with rubber sealant. A circular wired nose clip with rubber covered jaws sits between the internal region of the eyes. The mask contains an internal mouthpiece  with an exhale valve made from black rubber with a flange to fit both the mouth and teeth. The mouthpiece is joined by a brass tube to the rubberized hose leading to the canister. The rubber hose is around 30 cm in length and is made of vulcanised stockinette fabric making the hose flexible and strong. The canister which was oval shaped, contained cotton and wire gauze filters to retain any poisonous substances.

History of Use[edit]

Chemical Gas Attacks[edit]

The small box respirators were introduced into the British and Imperial forces on the Western Front in 1916. The mask was created in reason to provide reliable protection against chlorine and phosgene gas. The first use of phosgene and chlorine gas was in December 19th 1915 whereby it was used against French and Canadian units in the Second Battle of Ypres. The gas was later used against British Troops on the Western Front in Flanders in December 1915. British anti gas helmets were appointed to repel the chlorine gas, however issues later presented when the helmets could not withstands the effects of the phosgene gas. Chlorine was readily detected in battles as the gas tainted a yellowish green cloud and had a pungent odour. The situation layed problematic to the introduction of the mixed phosgene and chlorine as phosgene when presented, was colourless and smelled of freshly cut hay. The introduction of phosgene by the Germans, was six times more potent than chlorine and did not suggest any urgent symptoms that was associated with the coughing and discomfort that chlorine did. The recalling soldiers that was affected by the gas, did not feel symptoms until hours later. 85% of the fatalities that occurred due to chemical weapons, was from the phosgene mixed chlorine gas. The use of the small box respirators had lowered mortality rates significantly; for this reason the creation and usage of the mustard gas, a vesicant that burned the skin, was introduced as the new weapon of chemical warfare in 1917.

Canadian troops began to receive small box respirators in late November 1916. While the respirators acted as the first line of defence in some British troops, other Canadian and some British troops were still subjected to the earlier and less effective anti gas masks, the PH helmet. Both equipment were to be present on the troop members during battle, however it became an increasing issue that PH helmets were being dropped and lost during battle; an estimated 9 million PH helmets were dropped while barely any respirators were lost. Canadian and British troops were not convinced that double the protection was needed. Both masks were liable to damage and therefore it became necessary to have both masks present to withstand the gas damage.

Complications with the Small Box Respirators[edit]

The small box respirators had struck harsh criticism during its usage in the 1916 by both British and Canadian troops. The gas mask presented a very unnatural way of breathing during heavy activity of troops members on the battlefield. The respirator had six different sizes to which each man was fitted. However because of lacking sleep and food, the respirator had lost its air tightness and as a result, required constant check under men of their commands. The eye pieces were very prone to fogging and misting causing obstruct vision to soldiers along with the extreme discomfort of the nose clip. Additionally, the flexible hose was vulnerable to damage, which in cases resulted in failure to filter the gas. Adjusting the gas mask was problematic and could result to death if not worn correctly; therefore it was discussed that soldiers had previous practice with mask before using in the line of battle. The respirator provided wheezing and are said to even give extreme heat and exhaustion that may result in suffocation like symptoms.

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