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"Whatever the anticipated frustration of a academic failure or even the probability of a certain failure is academic stress is mental trouble." (Khan and Gupta, 1987). "Academic stress is prevalent in student lives and has an adverse impact on their mental and physical health and their potential for successful school work." Felsten & Wilcox] (Clark & Rieker, 1986). Stress has tightened students ' grasp since they must compete in the rapidly moving world in every step of their professional careers. This shadow of academic tension is all the darker for middle school and high school students as they enter the world.

Stress at the university does not necessarily start. Most young students are also suffering nerve breakdowns, panic attacks, burnouts and depression. The case isn't the same for everyone, and when they are under stress, they don't have the same emotions or dim thoughts. At this point adolescents must satisfy the obligation of parents, maintain a career and complete school in which they may be struggling and thus have a negative influence on themselves, apart from coping with physical and social emotional changes. Family is regarded as the child's first school and a source of aspirations, by which parents play vital role.


1. Academic Track:The main subjects of student education, i.e. mathematics, the natural (physics), the chemist, the biology, the social (history, geography, civics, economics) and languages, belong to either the national or state board schools. The 10th grade results are considered important, as it helps students decide on their academic environments in the 11th and 12th grades (science, commerce and arts). Thus, during the intermediate stage, contact with new and challenging concepts exposes them to academic stress.

2. College admissions: Students have an strong desire for their career in a wide variety of subject areas such as engineering, medicine, information science, law and recently other related fields in the prestigious professional educational institutions. Therefore, it is difficult to gain admission to these well-known schools.

3. Changing schools:The mechanisms mentioned above will probably contribute to greater levels of academic stress, as students who have to transition from kindergarten to 12th grade will be overwhelmed by adapting to a new environment (in a state where most schools run from kindergarten to 12th grade), and people who stay in school are anticipating a particularly challenging academic environment.

4.Board Examinations:Board examinations shall take place once a year in March for a period of two weeks. For each subject test, it is compulsory that the students appear for hours here and must provide a thorough answer to the questions. If an applicant is not qualified for all exams, there are unclear chances of admission in the right colleges.

5.Entry examination: Entrance exams are performed only once a year, usually in May or June, on the scheduled date and time for the entry to engineer, medical and other such fields. Such tests are conducted by theaters, All India Engineering Entry Examination or individual institutions. These examinations are carried out by a group of institutions or institutions. Excellence in these tests provides the students with career opportunities and thus the students are under great academic pressure.

6.Groups of tuition and coaching: children enter after school classes called tutorials to obtain good marks in board or any form of entrance examinations. Most training sessions are designed to help students perform well in the board or entry exams and to gain admission to prestigious schools. As a result, students must spend additional time attending coaching courses that raise the academic burden.

7. Social Comparison: Indian parents have a very common propensity to equate the academic capabilities of their child with their own older children or their own wards ' peers. While the comparatives may start in younger years, in the secondary and university years they escalate. This dilemma triggers students ' anxiety about their progress report

8.Exam stress: Testing is a source of stress and anxiety for many students, as their parents and teachers are heavily encouraged to conduct tests well. Such symptoms of extreme anxiety also impair their academic performance and therefore adversely affect them.

9.Continuous and systematic evaluation (CCE): The CCE Program has been developed in Kapil Sibal (2010), the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MRD). The graduates are given certificates based on tasks, research, extracurricular tests and academics. Good grades are thus an important task for the students during the academic year.

10.The standards of teachers: Teachers want to complete their work by the specified time limit. The students need to work extremely hard to complete the assignments, the project works and so on, as it does not give time to present their work contributes to failure. Even well-prepared students can suffer from stress particularly if they spend a lot of time on tasks but don't get the level they want.


1. Set realistic objectives: Students need to consider and recognize their own strengths and weaknesses objectively and meet their expectations accordingly, so that they can achieve realistic goals.

2. Effectively manage academic work. Students must prepare their daily work schedules because by the end of their sessions they need to complete several classes. This training and planning helps them reduce uncertainty and therefore complete work on this specific time.

3.Positive think: Students need to cultivate a positive attitude to their life, so that they can be effective without great fear and stress in every area.

4.Regular courses: useful tips, simple approaches and solutions to deal with certain lessons, emphasis on key points can only be gained daily through the participation of classes. Not only do these tricks make it easy for students to learn but also help to reduce the stress of tackling.

5.Discussing issues: students face a wide range of problems, such as academic, personal and social problems, so it is particularly important to find solutions in contacting parents, teachers and friends.

6.Get help from your peer tutor: Certain students can be very knowledgeable in some areas and are able to explain difficult concepts and terminology and can therefore prove beneficial in requesting assistance from such smart students.


1. https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/139050/8/08_chapter%201.pdf 2. Mervis, J. (1997). Feds Probe Causes of Academic Stress. Science, 275(5305), 1410-1410. Retrieved March 4, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/2892249