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A hardcore nationalist, with an ideology & aim to dis-mental active terrorism and it's related threat within the minds of people involved in it or are affected from it. To streamline the perception of brotherhood & Integrity among Indians.

The time still remains like a mark within the memory of this brave child, Kargil 1999- the unforgettable time for the nation when thousand son's of this holy motherland made the supreme scarified in the line of duty to protect the sovereignty & dignity of this Nation. At that time the body of another martyr Lieutenant. Sumit Roy of 18 Garwal Riffle came to his town wrapped in Tri-Color...the honor which is hard to achieve. Bishwajeet Das at that age merely around 15-16 yrs felt pressed within his heart for that legend & suddenly was magnatised towards that crowd carrying the mighty soldier body for his last rites, he was blank at that time but since for that 5 minutes glimpse which went passed in front of his eyes left a deep impact in his mind which started giving an emotional attachment with the olive green.

His journey began with getting an association with the NCC (National Cadet Corps). All he wanted was an association with the uniformed culture which led him to escalate his thoughts a bit higher and tougher towards the Nation. He day by day became more patriotic and ideas were always emerging out to give a strength to the national brotherhood.