User:Blueblur the master

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Welcome to the PWN ZONE[edit]


Well, I guess I'll start with what I like.

~Anime: Like Evangelion, Code Lyoko, Robotech, etc.

~Books: Anyone who knows me (codelyoko193, I'm looking at you) knows that I always have a book in my hand, usually from the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.

~Computers: In general. 'Nuff said.

~Video Games: I prefer action, platformer, and FPS over MMOs or fighting games.

I also like to write. I currently don't have anything posted anywhere (rewrites, fellow authors know the drill), but I'm working on... something. It's a secret for now.


What I don't like, is people in general. They give me a headache! >_<

See Ya[edit]

I guess that's all for now. Catch ya later!