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User:Brian Burbano

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Brian Burbano
Brian Edward Burbano

January, 1982 (age 31)
Mineola, New York
Occupation(s)Fine Artist, Singer/Songwriter/Musician, Independent Filmmaker, Actor, and Model
Years active1998–present

Brian Burbano (born January 25, 1982) is an American multi-award winning fine artist, an independent filmmaker, animator, and actor, as well as a fashion designer, a photographer, and musician. Brian first began his career exhibiting paintings at the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington, New York. He is best known for exhibiting his first self portrait at the Metropolitan Museum of Art at the ripe young age of nineteen (also displayed in Times Square, New York upon Panasonic's giant television screen, the "Astrovision"), and he is well respected for creating artwork strictly from live observation. Brian will devote many hours in his studio with a muse and model until that project's completion, and he enjoys incorporating very specific elements taken from that individual person's emotional journey. When it comes to his artwork, Brian feels that each artistic piece should evoke a series of emotions from it's viewer.

"An artist enjoys when people walk away being able to relate to the work, questioning their own path, and being inspired to reassess their own way of life and their existence. When I say that I am rich, I often reminisce and refer to any single moment that I've touched someone, and when I've tickled their heart and their mind. If any work of art should influence a person and lend insight, have them implement in their life new tact, and aid them along with their emotional interaction towards other members of the human race; -then it shall only motivate me to create and tell even more stories. I do realize that my work can entice and arouse anger and hate, or have tears trickling down many faces in joy, rather than in sorrow. However, this is when I know that I've done my job well, and when I can say that my entire mission's been complete. Mediocrity and a vanilla flavored tale has never been my cup of tea. I've always liked to raise the brow of intrigue, and I won't settle for anything less."

After twenty-five years of living in New York, Brian currently resides among the scenic landscape of North Carolina. Brian refuses to duplicate any portrait, self-portrait, or other figure study, from any single photograph as a resource. He says that true beauty shall only be found from becoming one with the senses, and then embracing people with the sight, sound, touch, and the overall interaction between yourself and mankind.