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Brodersalsa is a wikipedia user created in 2016. The name is inspired by the fictional character "Broder Salsa" (meaning Brother Salsa) from Danish satire show Casper & Mandrilaftalen.

Their interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Culture, and in particular:
    • music, arts, history, politics and languages.

They are currently studying a bachelor at the faculty of the humanities at the University of Copenhagen.

Irrelevant bonus info: They don't use they/them pronouns in their day to day life (but are very welcoming of people who do), rather the author behind this article (who may also be identical to this user) just wanted to write this article in a formal, encyclopedic, unpersonal, anonymous, and perhaps even pretentious way. For legal, though mostly just personal (perhaps even sexual) purposes they also wanted to make a distinction between "the wikipedia user Broder Salsa" and the real physical being using Wikipedia through this very user. Even though on a practical level, the two are, in most cases, the same.

For more info about this user and their interesting wiki-life, take a look at the danish user page.

This user is a translator from English to Danish on Wikipedia:Translate us.
This user is a translator from Danish to English on Wikipedia:Translation.