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Born in 1969 on a farm,family of 8 children,and my father Adrian Noble was a farm supervisor on one of the farms in the hexvalley ,We were very a very poor family but every night there was something to eat,we eat biltong fish these were the luxuries I remember.Finish primary school grade seven at Glen heatlie primary nearby de wet ,10 kilometes away from Worcester,left school in 1984 at Breerivier Hoerskool, and start working a the farm for one week.Places I have worked like hexpas butchery and sentrale butchery in russelstreet Worcester.Start as a general worker for Worcester Municipality in 1989, and start with classes during the evening at Esselen park Highschool where I finished my matric exam in 1994,the same year when we have our free democracy elections ,and Nelson Mandela were elected as our first President in a new system called democracy.