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Hey. Name's Cadeye, from the Cadburys ad. Y'know, doo doo dooodoloodoodoo doo. I enjoy video games and other forms of fine art. I am usually described as a legend, which is weird 'cause in my old school I was bullied for doing exactly the same thing. I haven't made any articles. Yet. I've only made small changes to pages, like my old school. Apparently someone or other doesn't believe its one of the most awful schools in the county. Oh, well. Maybe some day.

I also recommend the websites www.cracked.com, www.omg-facts.com and www.homestarrunner.com, even if it never gets updated anymore. Also, www.cinemassacre.com and www.thatguywiththeglasses.com, foul language is entailed, so beware.