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  • Berry, David; Bantman, Constance: New Perspectives on Anarchism, Labour, and Syndicalism: The Individual, the National and the Transnational
  • Hirsch, Steven; Walt, Lucien van der: Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World, 1870-1940
  • Howell, David: "Taking Syndicalism Seriously", Socialist History, 16 (2000), 27–48
  • Linden, Marcel van der: "Second thoughts on revolutionary syndicalism", In: Labour History Review 63 (2), pg. 182-196
  • Darlington, Ralph: "Syndicalism and Strikes, Leadership and Influence: Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, and the United States", In: International Labor and Working-Class History 83, pg. 37-53
  • Zimmer, Kenyon: "Syndicalism and anarchism of migrants", The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration
  • Linden, Marcel van der: "Vorläufiges zur vergleichenden Sozialgeschichte des Syndikalismus", in: Heribert Baumann et al. (eds), Anarchismus in Kunst und Politik. Festschrift Arthur Lehning, pp. 41-57.
  • Homme Wedman, "Christiaan Cornelissen: Marxism and revolutionary syndicalism", In: Marcel van der Linden Die Rezeption der Marxschen Theorie in den Niederlanden
  • Michel Pigenet, ‎Pierre Robin: "Regards sur le syndicalisme révolutionnaire: Victor, Emile, Georges, Fernand et les autres..."
  • Reiner Tosstorff: "The syndicalist encounter with Bolshevism", In: Anarchist Studies 17 (2), 2009
  • J. Julliard, Autonomie ouvrière: études sur le syndicalisme d'action directe
  • Peter Schottler, "Syndikalismus in der europaischen Arbeiterbewegung: Neuere Forschungen in Frankreich, England und Deutschland", in Klaus Tenfelde (ed.): Geschichte der Arbdterschaft und der Arbeiterbewegung
  • Hans Botcher, Zur revolutionären Gewerkschaftsbewegung in Amerika, Deutschland und England. Eine vergleichende Betrachtung
  • Melvyn Dubofsky: We Shall Be All: A History of the Industrial Workers of the World
  • Wayne Thorpe: "Syndicalist Internationalism and Moscow, 1919-1922: The Breach", Canadian Journal of History 14 (2), pg. 199-234
  • Altena, Bert: "The State - Revolutionary Syndicalism - Mediators from Below", In: Nico Randeraad: Mediators between State and Society
  • Francis Shor: "'Virile Syndicalism' in Comparative Perspective: A Gender Analysis of the IWW in the United States and Australia", International Labor and Working-Class History 56
  • Todd McCallum: "'Not a Sex Question'? The One Big Union and the Politics of Radical Manhood", Labour/Le Travail 42
  • Verity Burgmann: Revolutionary Industrial Unionism: The Industrial Workers of the World in Australia
  • Nathalie Ponsard: "Sur les traces d’un « antiparlementarisme syndical » marginal (France, XXe siècle)"
  • Robert Alexander: The Anarchists in the Spanish Civil War (2 vols)
  • David D. Roberts: The Syndicalist Tradition and Italian Fascism
  • Stanley G. Payne: The Spanish Civil War
  • Gerald Friedman: "Revolutionary Unions and French Labor: The Rebels behind the Cause; or, Why Did Revolutionary Syndicalism Fail?"
  • Willy Gianinazzi: Le syndicalisme révolutionnaire en Italie (1904-1925)
  • James F. McMillan: France and Women: Gender, Society and Politics
  • Robert Ventresca, Franca Iacovetta; Virgilia D'Andrea: The Politics of Protest and the Poetry of Exile
  • Charles L. Bertrand: The Biennio Rosso: Anarchists and Revolutionary Syndicalists in Italy, 1919-1920
  • Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism
  • Arif Dirlik: Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution
  • Challenges of Labour: Central and Western Europe, 1917-1920
  • Geoff Eley: Forging Democracy
  • Carl Levy: Social Histories of Anarchism
  • Peter Cole, Lucien van der Walt: Crossing the Color Lines, Crossing the Continents: Comparing the Racial Politics of the IWW in South Africa and the United States, 1905–1925
  • Arif Dirlik: Anarchism in early twentieth century China: A contemporary perspective
  • The Continuum Companion to Anarchism
  • Dana McWilliams: Black flags and social movements: A sociological analysis of movement anarchism
  • Eric Hobsbawm: "The 1970s: Syndicalism without Syndicalists?" In Workers: Worlds of Labor. New York: Pantheon, 1984.
  • Phil H. Goodstein: The theory of the general strike from the French Revolution to Poland
  • Fanny Simon: Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism in South America
  • Carl Levy: Currents of Italian Syndicalism before 1926
  • Thomas R. Sykes: Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Italian Labor Movement: The Agrarian Strikes of 1907-1908 in the Province of Parma
  • Erik Hansen and Peter A. Prosper: "The Nationaal Arbeids-Secretariaat: Revolutionary Syndicalism in the Netherlands, 1892-1914", Societas: A Review of Social History, vol. VII, no. 2, 1977
  • Maurice Zeitlin: Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class
  • Schöttler, "Syndikalismus in der europäischen Arbeiterbewegung". In Tenfelde: "Arbeiter und Arbeiterbewegung im Vergleich: Berichte zur internationalen historischen Forschung"
  • Haupt, "Dimensions internationales du syndicalisme révolutionnaire: les rapports avec la Seconde Internazionale"
  • Damier: Anarcho-syndicalism in the 20th century

French Revolutionary Syndicalism and the Public Sphere (legacy)

Great Labour Unrest



  • Albro, Ward S. (2004). Always a Rebel: Ricardo Flores Magón and the Mexican Revolution. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press.
  • Avrich, Paul (1988). Anarchist Portraits. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • England, Shawn (2010). "Magonismo, the Revolution, and the Anarchist Appropriation of an Imagined Indigenous Identity". In de Laforcade, Geoffroy; Shaffer, Kirwin (eds.). In Defiance of Boundaries: Anarchism in Latin American History. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida. pp. 243–260.
  • Hart, John M. (1990). "Revolutionary Syndicalism in Mexico". In van der Linden, Marcel; Thorpe, Wayne (eds.). Revolutionary Syndicalism: An International Perspective. Aldershot: Scolar Press. pp. 185–202.
  • Hodges, Donald C. (1995). Mexican Anarchism After the Revolution. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
  • Illades, Carlos (2014). "El retorno del anarquismo: Violencia y protesta pública en el México actual". Sociología Histórica. 4: 411–434.
  • Lida, Clara E.; Illades, Carlos (2001). "El anarquismo europeo y sus primeras influencias en México después de la Comuna de París: 1871-1881". Historia Mexicana. 51 (1): 103–149.
  • MacLachlan, Colin M. (1991). Anarchism and the Mexican Revolution: The Political Trials of Ricardo Flores Magón in the United States. Berkeley, CA/Los Angeles/London: University of California Press.
  • Middlebrook, Kevin J. (1995). The Paradox of Revolution: Labor, the State, and Authoritarianism in Mexico. Baltimore/London: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Morse, Chuck (2009). "Anarchism, Mexico". In Ness, Immanuel (ed.). The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 137–139.
  • O'Connor, Alan (2010). "Punk Subculture in Mexico and the Anti-globalization Movement: A Report from the Front". New Political Science. 25 (1): 43–53.
  • Shaffer, Kirk (2010). "Tropical Libertarians: Anarchist Movements and Networks in the Caribbean, Southern United States, and Mexico, 1890s–1920s". In Hirsch, Steven; van der Walt, Lucien (eds.). Anarchism and Syndicalism in the Colonial and Postcolonial World: The Praxis of National Liberation, Internationalism, and Social Revolution. Leiden/Boston: Brill. pp. 273–320.
  • Spenser, Daniela (2008). "Radical Mexico: Limits to the Impact of Soviet Communism". Latin American Perspectives. 35 (2): 57–70.

  • Olivia Domínguez Prieto, El Anarquismo en México
  • Hugo Marcelo Sandoval Vargas, La configuración

del pensamiento anarquista en México: Horizonte libertario de La Social y el Partido Liberal Mexicano

  • Ángel Cappelletti: Anarchism in Latin America
  • Barry Carr: Marxism and Anarchism in the Formation of the Mexican Communist Party, 1910-19
  • John M. Hart: Anarchism & The Mexican Working Class, 1860-1931