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User:Chaos/Books/Theory of Relativity vol. 1

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Theory of Relativity[edit]

Volume I[edit]

Classical mechanics
Frame of reference
Inertial frame of reference
Principle of relativity
Galilean transformation
Classical electromagnetism
Theory of relativity
Special Relativity
Special relativity
History of special relativity
Maxwell's equations
Speed of light
Michelson–Morley experiment
Luminiferous aether
Aether drag hypothesis
Lorentz ether theory
Lorentz transformation
Lorentz covariance
Lorentz factor
Relativity of simultaneity
Length contraction
Time dilation
Minkowski space
Four-dimensional space
Mass in special relativity
Mass–energy equivalence
Electromagnetic mass
Tests of special relativity
Test theories of special relativity
Tests of relativistic energy and momentum
General Relativity
General relativity
Introduction to general relativity
History of general relativity
Introduction to the mathematics of general relativity
Mathematics of general relativity
Exact solutions in general relativity
Numerical relativity
Alternatives to general relativity
James Clerk Maxwell
Henri Poincaré
Max Planck
Albert Einstein
Hendrik Lorentz
Hermann Minkowski
Kurt Gödel
Jürgen Ehlers
David Hilbert
Hermann Weyl
John Archibald Wheeler
Edward Arthur Milne
Paul Langevin
Stephen Hawking
Roger Penrose