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The beginning[edit]

Once, the world was chock-full of those who get mad at emotes and post frogs all the time. Not anymore. The date of April 15th 2020 was his arrival to the desolate wasteland, and his arrival could be summarized to one word: Awful. Like he made everything worse, how could he think that making an emote and telling jokes in joke channels be ok? For example: a user was having a bad day and he decides to reply with "hey it's ok sometimes we just have bad days you know?" How could he? Like does he think he's funny? Worst of all, he created the AA (with the help of a user known as "the edgiest 14 year old").

The AA[edit]

Disappointed with the lack a pain and misery and the multitude of fun had by the users of the server, he decided to create a villain organization known as the AA. They proclaimed themselves to be the villains and indeed they were. For example they: . And that's only one heinous deed they performed. Our brave heroes called him and his organization cringe, but sadly it had no effect. However, in one of the ONLY times this guy has ever used a braincell, he disbanded the AA to never come once again.

Image Permissions in General[edit]

Even with the AA gone, this TRASH decides to post Santa denier memes in a meme channel, interrupting the 100 IQ big brain discussion/frog posting that was going on in there. However, his reign ended and images were allowed in general now, to which these brave heroes celebrated by doing a chain of flushed goomba emotes.


Saddened by the passing of Seth Macfarlane on December 27th 2020, he took a vow of no jujuing on that beat for the rest of his life. The rest of his life being 2 minutes after Seth passing.