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We are just at Beginning


We keep asking ourselves, "What can database do for the coming Web 3.0?". Steffen Staab and Heiner Stuckenschmidt said some hints in the preface of their book, "Semantic Web and Peer to Peer".

The Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer are two technologies that address a common need at different levels:

• The Semantic Web addresses the requirement that one may model, manipulate and query knowledge and information at the conceptual level rather than at the level of some technical implementation. Moreover, it pursues this objective in a way that allows people from all over the world to relate their own view to this conceptual layer. Thus, the Semantic Web brings new degrees of freedom for changing and exchanging the conceptual layer of applications.

• Peer-to-Peer technologies aim at abandoning centralized control in favor of decentralized organization principles. In this objective they bring new degrees of freedom for changing information architectures and exchanging information between different nodes in a network.

• Together, Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer allow for combined flexibility at the level of information structuring and distribution.

For database, we neeed to say more...