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Life of Luxury
Personal information
YouTube information
Created byParker Hajiaskari and Chester Beckington
Genre(s)Paranoia, Horror, Suspensful
Subscribers7.13 Million[1]

Life of Luxury is a youtube horror channel created by Parker Hajiaskari and Chester Beckington in July 27, 2015. Each video follows a similar format of Parker explaining the email and/or showing the video footage reported by victims who have unnatural occurrences in their home. Together Parker and Chester investigate strange entities and paranormal occurrences in the victims homes. Parker and Chester usually stay the night and help to the best of their ability.

Early Content[edit]

Their early content was about vlogs, catching predators, and other stuff. Most of their old content can be seen on LuxuryPranks.

Paranoia Content[edit]

Episodes (Life of Luxury)[edit]

Dolphin Man Found in Her House[edit]

The videos starts off with Parker telling the camera that they have received an email by an 18-year-old girl named Bernice. She writes in the email that she hears screaming and other loud noises late at night.

They go to her house to see what's happening. Then, from the hallway, they see a Dolphin Man. They start running to their and car and they drive off. They later show Bernice the footage and tell her that they called the police.

We Found a Stalker in Her House..[edit]

Parker explains that they received a report from a girl named Kenzie. Kenzie thinks she is being stalked by an anonymous man. She's receiving calls from a anonymous number, but they don't say anything once she answers and they only listen to her. Once she even received a text message of a picture of her brushing her teeth. Kenzie believes that the stalker was in her backyard.

Parker and Chester invited Kenzie to their studio for an interview. Kenzie is suspicious about the cameras at first, but they convince her it's safe and for the investigation. They interview Kenzie before driving to her house to set up cameras. While Kenzie sleeps in her home, Parker and Chester spend the night in the car, sleeping in shifts, and watching the livestream.

During the night Kenzie's Stalker knocks on the window of her house and breaks in. Kenzie's Stalker appears to be a humanoid creature and crawls through the window. It makes weird laughing sounds as it crawls on the floor. The creature appears to be only wearing a loin cloth of some kind. The cameras catch this stalker slowly crawl to Kenzie's room. As he enters, parker and Chester run to help her. When the stalker hears parker and Chester making a commotion as they enter the house, the stalker crawls up into the attic. As parker and Chester enter Kenzie's room, they rush her out of the house.

after the events of this night, they say that they decided to call the police who report back that they didn't find anything in the attic. Parker and Chester are still waiting to hear back from them on the rest of their investigation. Parker signs off with a warning that there are many creeps out in the world and to stay safe.

We Found a Stalker in her Closet..[edit]

Around 5 am, Chester, makes a vlog of Parker looking at emails. Parker says that they received a really interesting email from an 18-year-old girl named Emily. Emily believes that she has a stalker coming into her house and has footage of him because he only appears when her parents leave.

Once at Emily's house, Emily greets them and shows them footage of a blurry door. In the video her stalker is crouched in the corner, Parker and Chester don't see him at first because he's so well hidden. Emily's stalker stands up and appears to be wrapped from head to toe in a sheet. Emily's parents believe that Emily and her friends made the video and therefore don't believe her. Emily insists she's telling the truth. At night she locks her doors so she's not sure how her stalker could be getting inside the house. Parker and Chester set up cameras and watch the footage from their car while Emily goes to sleep.

Chester is suspicious and thinks Emily could've made up the footage with her friends. While watching the cameras they hear a high scratchy sound, Chester suggests its interference. On one of the cameras, they notice the stalker climb out of a closet. Parker says he checked that closet earlier and that nothing was in there. Emily's stalker appears to be 8 ft tall. He appears to be wearing a mask on his face, or has a face that looks like a mask. The stalker sits down at a table and the camera watching him goes out. When it comes back on he's gone. Parker and Chester decide to stop it inside before it does anything else.

They wake up Emily and run to their car. When Parker starts the car, something in the trunk knocks, but the trunk is empty when they check. Suddenly something spooks Chester who shouts, "We need to go!" The camera footage is shaky but Chester says that the creature is on the side of the house. They drive off and call the police.

The next morning they get permission to go back into the house and they discover how Emily's stalker has been getting into Emily's house, through a hole in the ceiling of the closet.

Catching the Stalker Who's Been Watching Her[edit]

Parker and Chester have received a report from an 18 year old girl named Audrey. She's worried that she's being followed. Often when walking home she sees a skinny guy following her and outside her house, at school, and everywhere she goes. She has noticed that of her personal possessions (toothbrush, socks, underwear) have disappeared and moved around in her home. Her family believes the skinny guy is from her imagination. She's never seen his face or met him before.

Parker and Chester drive to Audrey's house. They debate if she's actually being watched or not. Chester believes she's lying to get attention. Parker wants to help the best he can. Parker accuses Chester of being scared, Chester says he's nervous. Audrey lets them into her house. While interviewing Audrey they notice a face appearing in from the window. Parker immediately runs outside and chases Audrey's stalker to a car. In a high pitch voice the stalker says, "You better stay away from me. She smells so sweet." After more questioning Audrey's stalker says, he wants to taste her. Audrey's stalker tries to make a run for it and in the process reveals where he has hidden some of Audrey's possessions.

Audrey's stalker drives off and Parker tells Chester to get his license plate number, They return Audrey's possessions. In the afterward they say they were able to identify the man through the license plate after given to proper authorities.

Catching the Stalker Who's Been Living in Her Basement[edit]

Parker explains they received an email from their old decoy actress, Victoria. Victoria thinks that after they filmed those videos, someone found out where she lived and has been breaking into her house. She has been hearing creaking noises at night despise that she's supposed to be living alone, she's afraid she's in danger.

On the drive there Parker thinks the chances are low of someone actually is breaking in. Chester thinks Victoria became paranoid after filming those videos. Victoria invites them in and asks them to be quiet. She's afraid that her stalker is currently living in her house with her. Ever since the videos were filmed she has been hearing noises in her house, things have been moved around, and there has been creaking in the floor. Even though she has called the police before they haven't ever been able to find anything. Parker and Chester set up cameras while Victoria starts to get ready for bed. Parker and Chester explain they can't spend the night because Chester has doctors appointment the next morning.

As soon as they exit the house, Chester says he thinks she's crazy and that they can't provide the actual help that she needs. Parker receives a phone call from Victoria asking for help. Cameras catch Victoria anxiously pacing. And then Victoria’s stalker is in the room and makes a weird noise which causes Victoria to Scream. Parker and Chester hear her screaming and then break in and force Victoria's stalker to take off the mask he's wearing. Victoria recognizes her stalker as her ex, Maurice. Maurice used to take pictures of her feet in class. Maurice says he wants to talk to Victoria alone, but Parker stops that from happening. Maurice tries to explain that he loves and wants to get back together with Victoria.

Victoria explains she dated Maurice during a dark period in he life. Maurice asks what color her toes are painted. Parker and Chester offer to take Maurice to the police, but Victoria refuses. She kicks Parker and Chester out of her house and they leave. Before they leave Victoria is seen sitting next to and putting an arm around Maurice. In the afterwards they say they drove home and set this behind them.

We Found a Stalker in the Vent..[edit]

Parker explains they received an email from an 18-year-old girl named Lydia. Lydia believes that she has someone living in her house, talking to her through her vents at night. Lydia captured and sent a video of someone asking her if she would come to play with them and their toys as proof. Parker and Chester travel to Lydia's house.

On the drive there, Chester asks Parker how he feels about the situation and Parker says he feels uneasy. Chester agrees he also feels uneasy and Parker says they need to be extra careful on this investigation. Once they arrive Lydia shows them the vent in her bedroom where she has been hearing the voice talk to her during the night. Parker disassembles the vent, pointing out the vent is too small for someone to hide in. He discovers a fresh apple core in the vent, but Lydia doesn't know how it got there as she has never opened the vent before.

Parker and Chester set up cameras around the house and watch the live stream from their car. Lydia goes to sleep until she's woken up by a voice singing about someone named "Postman Pat." Parker and Chester go back inside. Once inside Parker asks Lydia where the vent leads to and she says the basement. Parker and Chester run to the basement and discover Lydia's stalker, a man in a hospital robe. The man either doesn't understand the questions or ignores and complains that his skin hurts. Parker notices a makeshift bed and continues questioning, but he doesn't respond. Lydia's stalker's warns that Parker will get hurt. Lydia's stalker appears to become more agitated and starts laughing. His shoulders shake several times as if he's about to charge and eventually he runs off.

In the afterwards Parker and Chester say that they sent the footage to the proper authorities and that Lydia no longer stays in that house. They still don't know who the man was and didn't get any more information, even after calling the police.

We Found Him Watching Her Sleep..[edit]

Parker explains that they received an email from a 19-year-old girl named Charlotte. Charlotte is concerned that her new roommate, Derek, may be up to something. Derek is usually friendly but sometimes gets a little too personal and creepy at times. When Charlotte asked Derek what happened to the last roommate who lived there and he said she "disappeared."

On the drive there Parker says that he's excited but he's also worried that Derek might be putting Charolette in harm's way. Charlotte happily greets them explaining she just moved in. Charlotte says that Derek told her the last roommate had moved out, but when Charlotte checked all the previous roommate's stuff was still there, like her clothes and phone. Charlotte says that when she asked Derek about the strange noises coming from his room at night, he acts like he doesn't know what's going on. During the interview, Charlotte isn't able to talk about Derek much because Derek interrupts them. Derek tries to touch Charolette's hair and calls her Charly, which is a nickname he gave her. He asks about Parker and Chester, Charlotte explains the interview off as a school project.

Parker and Chester set up cameras and once Derek leaves the house they sneak a camera into Derek's room. Chester notices a doll in Derek's bed. Four and half hours later Derek comes back and they go to sleep. Instead of going to sleep, Derek sits on his bed and picks the doll up. He starts to sing to the doll as he brushes the hair. Then he's seen watching Charlotte as she sleeps before he goes back to his room and sits on the bed again.

The next morning they watch the footage with Charlotte. They think Derek's actions are weird but don't get creeped out until they see Derek watching Charolette during the night. Parker installs a lock on Charlotte's door. Derek tries to make small talk and offers them coffee before he lies that he slept like a baby the previous night. Derek tries to touch Charlotte's shoulder but she brushes him off. Derek momentarily freezes when he notices the new lock on Charlotte's door.

On the second night Derek is again seen sitting on his bed, but this time he walks into Parker and Chesters' room. The camera cuts and Derek suddenly appears in Charlotte's room, the door now open despite the new lock that was installed earlier. Derek yanks the blanket off of Charolette, who wakes up and screams. Parker wakes up Chester and they run to Charlotte's room. Derek tries to explaining everything off as he only wanted to watch and see her.

In the afterward, they say that Charolette no longer lives with Derek and they're helping her file a restraining order.

We Found a Stalker in the Woods..[edit]

Parker explains they received an email from a 18-year-old girl named Shelby. Shelby reports seeing a strange figure outside of her window and no longer feels safe in her house. On the drive there Chester questions if Shelby is telling the truth or if she's trying to get attention, and speculates that the figure could be one of her friends.

During the interview Shelby explains that she has seen a figure, of who she assumes is a man, peeking into the window of her room or see him standing in her backyard when she pulls up in her driveway. He disappears whenever she tries to confront him and she doesn't know where, or how is able to vanish like that. She has also heard noises inside her house at night, but she doesn't know if he has ever gone inside.

While Shelby sleeps, Parker and Chester set up cameras and watch the livestream from their car. During the night Shelby's stalker is captured on the camera in the backyard. On closer inspection, Shelby's stalker looks like a human male figure with long hair, and he shakes as he tries to lift himself over the porch fence. Parker and Chester decide to confront him before he's able to enter the house. By the time they reach the fence Shelby's stalker has disappeared. They spot a figure in the woods, but this person also disappears before they can confront him. Before they run back to the house, one of their cameras catches a marking on a tree. The marking is a white, straight and humped line over another straight line, made of tape. (5:06 mark)

Cameras cut to Shelbys' stalker outside Shelbys' bedroom window. She screams as he opens her window but he vanishes by the time Parker and Chester arrive in Shelby's room. They run for safety in their car. They capture Shelby's stalker on camera peering at them through a garden arbor. In the afterward they say that Shelby no longer lives in her house and they're still trying to identify who the man was.

  1. ^ "About YouTube channel". YouTube.