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My name is Cody and I am currently a student at The University of Pikeville. I lived in Isom, Kentucky until I was 6, and then my family moved to Whitesburg, Kentucky, where I have lived ever since. I attended Whitesburg Grade School and eventually Letcher County Central High School and I believed I received a quality education, which has prepared me for the difficulties of college life. One of my main interests is basketball. I have played from 2nd grade all the way through high school and I am currently on the JV team at Upike, but hope to move up to the varsity team this coming year. Basketball is one of the most important things in my life because it has taught the importance of hard work and also given me the ability to cooperate with others in order to reach a common goal. Some of my hobbies include playing basketball with my friends, watching different TV shows with my brothers (whichever show is our newest addiction), and pretty much anything involving physical movement. I take my education more serious than most, although I have yet to decide what I want to do with my life. I have given it a lot of thought and changed my mind multiple times since starting my college career, but I am currently an education major hoping to become a math teacher in future years. I am a very logical person and tend to not let emotions get in the way of me accomplishing my goals. Although I work very hard toward the things I want, I generally don’t apply myself very much to tasks that don’t interest me. I am slightly anti-social, but not because I don’t enjoy being around people. I’m simply not skilled at making conversation with people that I’m not comfortable around. I take a lot of pride in the things I do, and I can’t stand to be outdone in the things that I consider myself to be good at. Competitiveness is the most important trait that people can have, in my opinion.

Everyone can benefit from basic technology use


I am definitely not skilled with technology and its uses, but the few things I can do seem to make life a lot easier. My main uses for technology are using the internet to find information about certain things that I need to know and using my cell phone to text my friends and family. I was well behind other people my age and didn't get a cell phone until I was almost 17. I just didn't think they were as amazing as everyone else was making them out to be. It turns out they really weren't, but having one was slightly more convenient than not having one. I could talk to my friends without them standing right in front of me, which was useful. When I came to college my dad bought me a laptop, which proved to be extremely useful since a lot of my assignments in college are turned in online. I can relax in my room while doing my homework and not have to walk all the way to the library to submit it. Youtube is one of my favorite things about the internet. My brothers and I are always finding funny videos to show each other and its pretty much a limitless supply. The thing I don’t like about technology is when people take it too far and can’t be away from their phone for more than 10 seconds. It’s one thing to enjoy it and its uses, but I don’t think people should get addicted to it. All of the social media sites and other ways to communicate can be useful and aren’t a bad thing, but spending your life on them doesn’t seem to be a good idea.

My impression of Wikipedia


In high school and even grade school I would always end up on Wikipedia as a result of a google search while trying to research a paper. I found it very useful for my needs because it was organized so that certain parts and events were easy to find and write about. In high school most of my English teachers told me that Wikipedia wasn't a reliable source because anybody could change the information on it, so I tried to avoid it after that and went to other sites for my research needs.