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To become a professional broker in the United States, an individual must take and pass a series of tests given by the ??:


For individuals who are interested only in managing their own investments, several options exist to obtain a stock market education:

- Traditional classroom setting - Distance learning programs - Self-taught (books, mags, forums, free web sites, trial and error) - Mentorship/apprentice arrangement

Traditional classroom settings[edit]

(universities?, 2 year colleges?, companies like BetterTrades)

Distance learning programs[edit]


Mentorship/apprentice arrangement[edit]

paid one-on-one)

Subjects covered[edit]

- Types of securities (stocks, bonds)

- Types of derivatives

- Stock markets (US and global)

- Basic stock market structure

- [Anything else I can think of]

Non-profit associations that offer some stock market education[edit]

Corporations that offer some stock market education[edit]