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User:Comment Spae

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fandom wikia has repeatedly had me blocked on two of its wikis over the course of 2020 to 2024 because the people who run it are consumers with no capacity to do anything with their life and the people who blocked me don't like "dissenters" who dare to call out their crap but that was inevitable

specific users on there that are the problem are AndrewNocturna (Five Nights at Treasure Island Wiki for 6.0; February 2021) and Fireburishi (Virtual YouTuber Wiki; October 2022 along with Zentreya's actual Twitch channel). the three of them have willingly chosen to block me solely because they want to do it for their amusement and are self-righteous consumers... but i would NOT have engaged with the latter two's vile personalities if it wasn't for AndrewNocturna/Andrew Guzikowski being the first to take action in the first place, then that wouldn't have led me to the other two showing how truly terrible and unfair they are as well. then again, engaging with those fandoms in the first place was ALREADY a foolish choice because i knew they were bad and i should've only engaged with the work they were (very blindly and blankly) displaying fan worship of, "fans" for anything are NEVER sociable and only pretend to be, and those three were based ENTIRELY on fan ideas; they were the collection of all that is despicable about fan culture, they'd obviously be full of the MOST unfair of average people IN THE WORLD (right now) and engaging with them would have inevitably led to a path where i end up being used as a scapegoat for doing something they disagree with SLIGHTLY even if i NEVER EVER did anything that was legitimately "wrong" during my time engaging with them

actually, i'd have been MUCH better off if... i didn't engage with them in the first place and just immediately ignored anything about them once they provided a clear trait of themselves that indicated how remorseless those people and the fandoms they're part of were, in fact, being unaware (but not blind) to how ACTUALLY little they have to their personality and how antisocial they are towards others would've been wiser to avoid and not know of... at all. but unfortunately, i engaged multiple TIMES over and i have been given the harsh truth that these people are godawful and don't base themselves off any kind of reality or sense of understanding of others beyond themselves

to clarify, the works in question this lot revolve around are:

  • the final version of an idiotic Disney-themed fan game based on Five Nights at Freddy's/Abandoned by Disney that is actually a boring, bland, edgy waste of time, which was made by a self-righteous person who is legitimately, openly, and seriously antisocial and doesn't understand other people whatsoever no matter how many times someone talks to him, because he's basically a brick wall of a person both in terms of how he conveys himself and his general personality (Andrew Guzikowski) - which then leads all the way back to another legitimately disturbed DeviantArt user who was born in 1996 called Matthew Rodriguez who created the initial game in the most horrifying and DeviantArt user way possible... which essentially means that the true source of that conflict was DeviantArt the whole time
  • real people pretending to be anime characters even if anime characters are an unrealistic expectation for human attractiveness

...unfortunately they were both fandoms of self-righteous, falsely charming, incredibly antisocial trolls/pranksters who are fine with doing things at everyone's expense. BOTH OF THEM. i guess i walked right into their literal "comfort zone" of chaos by interfering with their perfect design of an awful fandom of awful people even though i should've OBVIOUSLY stayed away from them knowing they were bad. literally, i knew that the fandom for five nights at freddy's was full of terrible, uncooperative people of various forms and the treasure island fan community would be no different... and that anime consumers absolutely plagued virtual youtubers with extreme self-indulgence and simplistic beliefs so it's not like i had every reason to avoid them as well after that, because i DID. neither of these fans listen to reason and are just there to ruin people for the fun of it, and walking into BOTH is by far the worst mistake i could make... online that is. in real life, they'd be too soft to stand against someone who can see through their lies

so yeah it's no wonder engaging with the fans of them ON FAN WIKIS has led me down a path of misery even IF i only did something to upset what little sense of "balance" they have by not living up their fantastical expectations of how humans are supposed to act towards each other because the people who run the fan wikis for them all are abusive beyond description and don't know what basic courtesy even is because their mindsets are purely selfish and they engage with what they do because it provides their life the smallest amount of purpose through the most pointless ideas possible

as for HOW i ended up in the crosshairs of those three self-righteous people who happen to be part of the worst communities ever

  • getting blocked on TV tropes because i made my accounts completely wrong and decided to remove any trace of what i had (did not make my own email address or bank account so could not live in a world designed this way; also turned to 13 and did not want to live my following years knowing i've failed to take ANY opportunity to make my own potential worthwhile in this universe i had ONE chance to live in and make use of, and i was already at a disadvantage by then anyway so anything i did afterward wouldn't have actually mattered or had an actual impact on people or the population or culture in general) as a result of what i did before then which was removing my google account history entirely during the middle of 2018 (because it wasn't my own account) which led to me doing things even more destructively by removing even more evidence of myself... eventually leading into me encountering AndrewNocturna and the Five Nights at Treasure Island Wiki and thinking contributing to it would be a good idea despite obvious evidence that it was created by antisocial people who don't want to admit to being antisocial, leading to me getting blocked because i added "misinformation" and also because AndrewNocturna himself is an awful, unforgivable person who has zero excuse for anything he does to oppose others and ONLY oppose others; not even hide behind a "believable" mask of humor or even regret or remorse
  • as a result of conundrum with AndrewNocturna and getting involved with virtual youtubers with no way to enter the Five Nights at Treasure Island fandom again (because ruined it), i'd go onto the virtual youtuber wiki and contribute with little problems... but heavy criticism, something that would annoy the administrator in it, Fireburishi, and incur him to block me for "insulting them via edit reason"

all of this could be avoided if, first of all, i never engaged with any of these messed-up fandoms in the first place but most of all if i didn't let myself be put in the vulnerable position for such TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE people to abuse me so freely and inconsequentially from the beginning, and even if how bad they really were wasn't so obvious anyway, i could still read the atmosphere of every domain i visited and felt the strong sense of delusion, pointlessness, self-indulgence, self-centeredness, narcissism, and egotism on THEIR part and not mine (and therefore also felt the complete absence of emotional connection between the fandoms and anyone who they'd see as "outsiders" because they're clearly prideful fandoms who hate any new people, NOT people who welcome newcomers or naive people who don't understand things), so i was intelligent enough to avoid EVERYTHING

i've never lived a good life anyway, not since i came to this universe... where i was fated to be treated like trash for SELF-DEFENSE and LITERALLY just existing while others are calling ME the one in the wrong because why? ...EVERYTHING in this one is ALREADY a total mess, there was no way anyone could be redeemed, it was already beyond saving, the fact that modern people with REAL privileges waste away their lives STILL and that there are unnecessary things imposed by governmental figures that are solely there to control others (along with nonsensical traditions) was enough of a hint that i never BELONGED HERE AT ALL

...granted, waiting for my whole life until i was a "valid" age to do anything with myself, LITERALLY ANYTHING, even though i had freedom of choice, a logical mind, and the ability to stand my ground against others so they WOULDN'T keep abusing me constantly... was not a good idea at any rate and i really should have NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED doing something like "waiting for an opportunity". that was just a waste of my LIFE and my intelligence... and single opportunity to do something worthwhile with myself. every SECOND i have lived in misfortune and doing something as trivial as "waiting for an opportunity" not realising i was just wasting my one time to live away being submissive to people i knew didn't care for what a normal, unsuccessful person actually wants from their life and presence in this universe

... and no, no amount of engagement with joseph garrett/stampylongnose and his stampy's lovely world series that GENUINELY has quality to it on the overall and has an ACTUAL application of creative genius and is filled with a positive, assuring atmosphere is NOT going to stop the truth that he ignores for his viewers: this world is bad, fundamentally, and is beyond saving. i have seen his high-quality LP videos for quite a long time, it has not confirmed to me any of the "positive traits" i see were ever real and has been destroying my perception of the dark truth that HE refuses to engage with