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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hi, my name is Alexander J. Dyke and i love this site. I think this site is valuable and trustworthy. Wikipedia is the first thought to come to mine to me. some very good uses for this web site is for opining( like presentations), sources to use( when you find the topic you are looking for, their is basically a bibliography page), and a whole lot more.

A little bit about myself. I was raised in the great lakes, in Michigan. i love to travel and i have almost been to all the states in the U.S. I have my law degree, Business degree, and am working on my "Technical" degree. all of the degrees i have are just bachelor degrees. i am attending school in Grand Valley, in Grand Rapids, and I am working to get into Harvard Law School, or one of the IV league law schools. I am 24 and am in a relationship. i proposed to her on October 14, 2011.

I will Study any topic and make a page on Wikipedia and would love to do any thing on my free time. Thank you...