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Courtney Baranello, born February 27th as a fascinating and compassionate Pisces, has been pretending to model, sing and dance ever since she learnt to walk. Even when she pursued other passions like drawing, photography and art they were always related to modeling (e.g. drawings of models walking about in sports shoes, models wearing leotards, models playing soccer, models drinking coffee etc)

Her dream finally came true in March 2009 when she made her modeling debut wearing a fabulous blue Snuggie against a beige background. Check out her rise to fame at:


(Okay maybe fabulous isn’t the word everyone would use, but what matters is that she is obviously very happy in the photo and definitely looks quite modelesque).

Even though this rise to fame has been at the expense of Courtney becoming victim to the curious condition of 'Snuggie Restless Arm Syndrome,’ she has said in many press releases, that this is a price she is willing to pay. (Please refer to above link for further details on Restless Arm Syndrome).

Being the eternal optimist, Courtney is not letting this infliction stand in her way. She uses her recently found fame and her condition of ‘raised’ arms by being the spokeswoman of her favorite animal shelter and transporting newly adopted puppies in her Snuggie sleeves to their new homes. She’s also been known to carry healthy sandwiches and Kashi granola bars in her sleeves to her photo shoots.

Courtney currently lives in New York, is happy (did we say that already?) and like all models continues her fight for world peace. When she’s not fighting for world peace, she raises funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Coincidentally, she recently stated on her Facebook public profile that if a said party were to check out link below and donate to her cause, she vows to love said party forever.


This is quite an undertaking for someone so famous and with so many fans.