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User:Crh200/sandbox/.final article These are my recommendations for revising the article: Environmentalism : Add details for some of the different environmentalists.

Copied content from Environmentalism; see that page's history for attribution.

  • Edward Abbey (writer, activist, philosopher) His most well known books, Desert Solitaire and The Monkey Wrench Gang, linked a rebellious spirit to environmental advocacy for the sake of the environment itself. For Abbey, that was a higher purpose than conservation for humanity alone. Abbey expressed frustration over the personification of the wilderness. He believed that in order to truly keep the wilderness wild, it’d be best to give credence to the wild on its own terms and not in regard to any manmade agenda. 7. A, Kostoff. Edward Abbey: Wilderness Firebrand. Society for Wilderness Stewardship. 2015.
  • Ansel Adams (photographer, writer, activist) During his lifetime, Ansel Adams harnessed the power of photography to capture the attention of everyday citizens, both inside and outside of the environmental realm. Adams believed he was not “influenced” by, but rather “in the tradition of,” artists such as Frederic Church and transcendentalist minds like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Adams advocated for limited “resortism” and restrictions on the overdevelopment of land and infringement on endangered species. In his photos, Adams sought to accentuate the “internal event” rather than just the “external event”. Eyen, Lena. The Strength of the Shutter: Photography and the Environmental Movement. Markkula Center for Applied Arts at Santa Clara University. 2017.
  • Bayarjargal Agvaantseren (Mongolian conservationist) Bayarjargal Agvaantseren roused local communities and politicians to prevent mines destroying the habitats of snow leopards. Her work saw the creation of a 1.8-million-acre natural park, home to a population of snow leopards that is the world’s second largest after China. She has been awarded the 2009 Rabinovitz-Kaplan Prize for the Next Generation, Mongolia’s Leading Environmental Worker in 2010 and the 2017 Polar Star medal. Aldama, Zigor. How activist Bayarjargal Agvaantseren took on Mongolia's mining Industry to save the snow leopards. This Week in Asia. 2019.