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Hi! I'm Cris. I'm a Nutrition student at Tec de Monterrey (Mexico). For my English Medical class (group1) I've been asked to write some of my proffesional interests and maybe something more... (I'll see :P).

Ok. So, Nutrition. Why did I pick Nutrition? Well, I think that I choose it because of what it represent and because I feel like "we" (the career and I) are pretty alike. I'll explain.

This profession is about knowing how to integrate several languages (medical language, social language, body/ organism language, human language, etc) in order to translate the most complex concepts to real life (aplication). It is about knowing what's happening inside a person (physically and emotionally) and how can it be as the best as it can. Being a Scientist represent the necessity of being curious and ambitious. Nutrition satisfy my need of knowing. Up to now...