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FLEINSOPP TALES © 2010 by Chris Hagen

The "Fleinsopp Tales" although at its beginning stages, is a series of fictional books that focus on ancient myth. The first book, called "Fleinsopp Tales - The Fox's Lair," deals with the history and myth of the Fox Spirit, an Asian legendary creature otherwise known as the "Huli Jing" in Mandarin, Chinese.

The "Huli Jing" is either a benevolent or vindictive wraith, who comes back to either help or haunt mankind after many years of training following a tragic physical death. They are followers of ancient Chinese goddess Niu Wa, who is responsible for repairing heaven's walls and their temples exist in mainland China to this day.

Known in Asia as the "anti-Buddha," followers travel to these fox temples for the opposite reasons they would go in search of assistance from Buddhist temples, meaning they pray to the fox for revenge or vindication against wrongs they feel they've been dealt. The "Huli Jing" or Fox Spirit typically comes back to mankind in search of up and coming young males from which they feed off of through sexual acts until the body is drained of life and soul.

Many phenomena, unexplained to this day, occur in China, Japan and Korea revolving around the fox or the weasel.

"Fleinsopp Tales" is set in pre-Dark Ages, in a world according to Norse mythology is known as Midgard. Chris Hagen through the "Fleinsopp Tales" takes myth, which after much investigation has found that most ancient cultures such as the Chinese and the Norse share many similar beliefs despite their geographical distances. Through the story, he places the Fox Spirit into a magical world ridden with war, deceit and tragedy, and asks the question: "What if?"

Chris Hagen, 1995 journalism and art graduate of Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, was a reporter for the Charlotte Observer and the Gaston Gazette in North Carolina, USA, and has lived in Asia for more than 16 years. Much of his investigation and information is via face to face interviews and actual reading of Chinese texts and other related media.