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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I am just another wikipedia user and I currently boast no bragging rights. I've had a wikipedia account for a while before I started using it. I contributed before on a wiki sister-project, [Wikihow] I am still getting accustomed to the wiki format so a few of my edits may be me going back to fix a formatting mistake. I usually try to label those as minor edits but if you will forgive me when It happens to slip my mind.

A Little About Myself


I am rad. I like art and computers. My activities range from skateboarding to developing API's. I'm useful at times, not so much at others.

I am a huge CSS fan. Tables are dead! Let them die and we can all go about our merry ways. I love to learn new codes. I'm currently teaching myself PHP(again) and Python. I have a rather extensive knowledge in HTML, Javascript(limited but still a good bit), XML, and CSS.

I cried when Prime died and I can never really decide which Transformers movie I like best. I'm a really big nerd and my hobbies involve local trivia competitions and robotic engineering.

I probably have undiagnosed ADHD but then again I think that kind of thing is over diagnosed anyways.

I hope the public will once again be able to cite Wikipedia in confidence and I'm here to help make that happen. Happy Editing.



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