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tArticle Evaluation

  • After watching a Netflix movie about the Congo Crisis, I chose to evaluate the article about Dag Hammarskjold, the UN Secretary General during the time period, who was killed in a plane crash while en route to the Congo to negotiate.
  • This article was absolutely not entirely relevant, there was only a small section about his 8 years as the head of the UN, the rest of the article is about his death, landmarks named after him, and what people thought about him. He was a very influential person at an extremely important time in international relations, and yet none of that is explored.
  • This article does not seem very unbiased. for example the vast majority of this articles research deals with his memory, including monuments and universities that have named things after him, awards that he was given, and basically glorifying his memory. He was human and had failures as UN Sec. Gen. and none of those are explored.
  • The links in this article all work and link to other specific websites.
  • This article has almost no citations for its factual information, one section was flagged for not having ANY citations. with someone as influential as a UN Secretary General, there has to be many sources about his career, and none of those are well represented.
  • The talk page is filled with arguments about his death and whether it was an accident or an assassination by the Congolese, he was on his way to negotiate a ceasefire and just happened to die on the way, the conspiracy theories are all over the place on the talk page
  • This article does not have any ratings, it is flagged as not having many sources.

What I have learned so far in Global Issues


Monday February 12th

  • I have learned how to link new sources to a Wikipedia page. I have never edited Wikipedia before this class so everything is fairly new to me.
  • I have learned how to navigate talk pages
  • I have learned how to link Wikipedia pages to other pages.
  • I have learned how to evaluate Wikipedia pages based on content.

My Project Choice


The Article that I chose is on the International Disability Alliance (IDA). An organization trying to improve the rights for individuals with disabilities around the globe

Sources I have found


International Disability Alliance


The International Disability Alliance (IDA), created in 1999, is an umbrella organization focused on improving awareness and rights for individuals with disabilities around the globe. The IDA works with with Non Governmental Organizations (NGO's), supranational organizations such as the United Nations (UN), as well as state governments in order to create legislation, fund disability programs in developing and industrialized countries, and advocate for people with disabilities around the world.The IDA works very closely with the United Nations, and in particular they use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) as their code of conduct.[1]

On June 7, 2013 the IDA became legally incorporated and given legal status as an entity. What this means is that it has greater strength in its ability to negotiate better terms for people with disabilities.[2]

IDA Leadership


Because the IDA is more of an umbrella organization, each member organization is free to govern themselves. However there is a governing secretariat[3], made up of fourteen people, based in New York and Geneva that oversees and guides the agenda. The leader of this secretariat is its Executive Director Vladimir Cuk. According to LinkedIn, Cuk has a Master's degree in disability studies, and previously held the position of director of the New York Secretariat of the IDA.[4]

IDA Mission


the UNCRPD created a framework regarding how countries should treat people with disabilities. The IDA's goal is to enforce these rules on a country by country basis. In a letter to the UN Commissioner on Human Rights, the IDA clearly stated their mission, "newborns with disabilities are murdered in different regions across the world for want of a family's capacity or willingness to take care of a child considered to be a burden."[5] The IDA's mission is to change the way people regard people with disabilities. In many places around the world people with disabilities are regarded as defective or as the IDA put it "a burden." Through their 2030 initiative, the IDA hopes to have new services up and running to achieve this loss of stigma by 2030.

Prior Advocacy


The IDA along with its member organizations, lobbied the UN Council on Human Rights in order to advocate the fair treatment of women and children with Disabilities. This proposal was made to the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR), and the UN Committee of the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and Harmful Practices. This Committee focuses on the fair treatment of women, however the IDA broadened this to include women with disabilities because this population is particularly vulnerable. The proposal outlines several horrific practices that they would like to see abolished such as the rape of women with Disabilities and the forced abortion of children who will be disabled. [6]

In 2018 the IDA in partnership with the International Disability and Development Consortium, wrote a position paper focused on how countries need to change their financing practices in order to better accommodate people with disabilities. These topics include changing the wording of laws to ensure persons with disabilities have the right to access social programs. In many developed countries, no citizen is barred from having access to social programs like welfare, however in under developed countries this right does not exist.[7]

Current Projects


Through the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) the IDA is receiving funds from the Finnish government to provide resources for the deaf in Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.

Member organization Down Syndrome International (DSI) is working on creating an international cardiac health protocol for individuals with Down Syndrome. This would give doctors around the world a set of guidelines on how to treat people with Down syndrome.

Member organization Inclusion International has filed a third party intervention in the Romanian court case Stoian v Romania in order to advocate for more inclusion in the Romanian school system.

(IDA) Member Organizations

  • African Disability Forum (ADF)
  • Arab Organization of Disabled People (AODP)
  • European Disability Forum (EDF)
  • The Latin American Network of Non-Governmental Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and their Families (RIADIS)
  • Pacific Disability Forum (PDF)
  1. ^ "International Disability Alliance". International Disability Alliance. Retrieved 2018-03-19.
  2. ^ "A historical day for the Disability Movement worldwide: The International Disability Alliance becomes a legal entity | European Disability Forum". www.edf-feph.org. Retrieved 2018-04-09.
  3. ^ "IDA Secretariat". International Disability Alliance. Retrieved 2018-03-19.
  4. ^ Cuk, Vladimir. "LinkedIn".
  5. ^ "IDA letter to the OHCHR of the UN" (PDF).
  6. ^ "IDA letter to the OHCHR of the UN" (PDF).
  7. ^ "IDA position paper 2018" (PDF).