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A Nickel mine is a mine that produces nickel. Nickel is resistant to corrosion. In addition, even at extreme temperatures, it preserves its mechanical and physical characteristics. Some mines produce nickel primarily, while some mines produce nickel as a side-product of some other metal that has a higher concentration in the ore.

Important nickel mine operators include Vale, Norilsk Nickel and Sherritt. Nickel mines coming online and going through ramp-up in the coming years include: Ravensthorpe (Australia), Ambatovy (Madagascar), Goro (New Caledonia), Voisey Bay (Canada), Barro Alto (Brazil), Koniambo (New Caledonia) and Sotkamo (Finland).

Name of the mine Operations
Ravensthorpe mine (Australia) open-pit nickel laterite
Sotkamo mine (Finland) open-pit zinc sulphide-nickel-copper mine
Vale Newfoundland and Labrador Limited, VNL(Canada) open-pit mining and milling

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Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (2019). Mining in Newfoundland and Labrador. Retrieved from https://www.gov.nl.ca/nr/files/MNL-Overview.pdf

Vale. (n.d.). Nickel. Retrieved from http://www.vale.com/canada/en/business/mining/nickel/pages/default.aspx

second article

Recreational gold mining


In Canada recreational gold panning is allowed. In BC there are a number of recreational panning reserves for the general public to use. People can only use hand pan and shovel, they are not allowed to use a metal detector. Saskatchewan on the other hand has no specific regulations. Using a pan to test the presence of gold can be done without authorization where Crown mineral rights have not been already issued to somebody else. Mineral rights belong to the Crown, except where they are the property of a third party, who would authorize the exploration.

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Government of Saskatchewan. (2019). Recreational Gold Panning and Placer Mining. Retrieved from https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/agriculture-natural-resources-and-industry/mineral-exploration-and-mining/mineral-tenure/recreational-gold-panning-and-placer-mining

Government of British Columbia. (n.d.). Mineral Titles: Recreational Panning Reserves. Retrieved from https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/mineral-exploration-mining/mineral-titles/reserves/recreational-panning-reserves

Third article

Mineral economics

Mineral resources could be defined as “all non-living, naturally occurring substances that are useful to man whether they are inorganic or organic” (McDivitt, 1965). The mineral economics involves several factors:

- Land: all naturally occurring substances that are utile or valuable for humans.

- Labor: human resources.

- Capital: investment, machinery

- Entrepreneurship: is a mix of the two previous ones

add to reference list Rudawsky, O. (1986). Development and Managment of Natural Resources. Retrieved from https://books.google.ca/books?hl=es&lr=&id=q-1uTQSILRkC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=%22Mineral+economics%22&ots=TQjRI02J52&sig=qhW_CQfSjOxeCCfQuybUkOW8KRs&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Mineral%20economics%22&f=false