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Note. For some unknown reasons, this article seems to have a effect on that ghost sitting beside you. He seems to be rather interested.

Darkstars09199 (born ****** **, 100 BC) is a Martian seer and prophesyser of the puny human world's doomednessity, which is imminent and might happen on the day after tomorrow (Hence its red colour. HUMANS BEWARE!!). He is preferred to be known as the Martian Manuscripthunter

The Martian Manuscripthunter, widely known as Darkstars09199, or by his acknowledged nickname the Martian Manusripthunter, is one of the best-known and most appraised soothsayers of the Stalin Dynasty. Although his Inner Eye is greatly feared, he lives as a hermit, which has no link to the previous part of the sentence. In some news reports, It is said that the Martian Manuscripthunter, widely known as Darkstars09199, or by his acknowledged nickname the Martian Manusripthunter, has worked for BBC and all other news stations in 1874 as a weather forecaster when their weather forecast sattelites, a type of satellite that is primarily used to monitor the weather and climate of the Earth, were not operational. Since amassing his knowledge, the MM(let's not waste anymore time in introducing the Martian Manuscripthunter, widely known as Darkstars09199, or by his acknowledged nickname the Martian Manusripthunter, but use his trademark initials the MM) has pursued a number of philanthropic criminals, stealing large amounts of money from various criminal organizations and wannabe Robin Hood through the Martian Brubblee telescope, and was established since it needed to be established. One of his most amazing feats ever was to secretly move the Nottingham forest into a zoo.

The annual Martian daily magazine's list of The Biggest Thingy did not rank the "MM" as the Biggest Thingy, possibly because he wasn't. Where his reputation is compromised, the exchange rate between the German mark and the American dollar is 4.2 billion marks to a dollar during the hyperinflation period. As you can see, this again has no link at all to the first part of the sentence Agence France Presse

Early life


The MM was born near the now dry martian sea. He grew up with a great love of nature and Martian soil, showing a trait commonly found in NASA scientists. He was possibly educated at Institute of Sanjit's Martian Missionary School For Little Green Men ,or the ISMMSFLGM, where he was first exposed to the terrestrial staple diet of Curry Chicken. He then studied nonsensical jargon, the Martian equivalent of law, at the Prriblippin's University. During childhood, many things have happened to him in his late 90s.

Near future


In the near future, as the MM has predicted, There would be not much of a future. He has leaked crucial information on how the Martian Space Fleet has gathered outside the Earth's atmosphere and is getting ready to do nothing. This has led to an emergency meeting by the UN security coucil, and they have decided to impose sanctions on Mars if they continue to engage in such "aggressive and alarming action". However, the UN security coucil is murdered and Earth will be donminated by Mars. However, for the moment, this is not true as the MM was just joking. However, he is currently working on negotiations between the snail shell and the other snail shell.

Advice on life


The MM has encouraged, advised and forced people to get a life, otherwise they would not have one. The MM has once stated that "Zere are marny peeple zat du nort harve ar laife! Zis is ar veery bahd sign. It carn lead tu drowsyniss, voomiteeng arnd speerch disoordeers."

The Manuscripthunter's manuscripthunting treasure for heavy-duty manuscripthunting


The Manuscripthunter's manuscripthunting treasure for heavy-duty manuscripthunting is a treasure to all maniscripthunterologists, a collecive term of people who study manuscripthunterology. The Manuscripthunter's manuscripthunting treasure for heavy-duty manuscripthunting is a treasure to all maniscripthunterologists, as the Philosopher's stone is to alchemists and Lord Voldermort. It is currently under the possesion of the Martian Manuscripthunter, widely known as Darkstars09199, or by his acknowledged nickname the Martian Manusripthunter, or simply known as the MM by intimate friends.

Personal life


The MM has many interests and hobbies. As a Martian Manusripthunter, he spends much of his life dedicated to Martian Manusripthunting. Being a true Martian Manusripthunter, he loves free things including Martian Manusripthunting. It is reported that he spends hours weekly Martian Manusripthunting. The Martian Manusripthunter also has many prized possessions like the Manuscripthunter's manuscripthunting treasure for heavy-duty manuscripthunting. (see above).

The Martian Manuscripthunter is known to be very personal and has an enchanting personal life, as depicted.



The Martian Manuscripthunter has received many awards and prizes, including:

  • The Biggest Thingy award, somthing he missed out on by just 5 thousand megatons.
  • The annual best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the year.
  • The biannual best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the last two years.
  • The monthly best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the month.
  • The forhtnightly best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the forhtnight.
  • The weekly best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the week.
  • The daily best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the day.
  • The hourly best seer award, an award presented to the best prophet of the hour.



There is just to many good things about the MM, such as that he robbed the person whorobbed the rich and gave to the poor, to return the money to the rich. This has won him appraise from many tycoons in high places and also many chilli ice-cream sundaes, which is not his favourite food.



The MM has left behind a great legacy for all prophets and seers who want to follow in his path. They should bear in mind that prophets all prophesy doomnessity for the world. He also issues a warning to all criminal philantrophists to stop their criminally philantrophic actions as they are immoral (hence the red colour). This warning is also a legacy too.
