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This page starts off slow, picks up speed, and the next thing you know, your strapped inside a top-fuelled, nine-thousand horse-powered dragster, heading straight towards the Finish Line. Count on it.

One advisory, and a quasi oxymoron, laying hold of a dictionary will increase understanding levels significantly. Enjoy this work, it is for your good pleasure and hopeful entertainment. One question, one answer, one pleading: how big should the Tree to Life be? Big enough for all to see. Therefore, please excuse a few minor repetitions, length and some gargantuan words, whether long or short. One request, Editorial Staff, will you please keep this work original except where grievous errors occur, which are ones that change complete meanings of sentences or paragraphs. May I suggest a parallel page for minor corrections and designer touches. Thank you for this consideration. I most enjoy Originals, they can become resourceful entertainers. Thanks again.

David2401 is a symbolic identity of Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:16, "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star ." NIV. Jesus called himself the Root and the Offspring of David. Jesus’ first appearance on earth is known to the Jewish people and Christendom as being the son of David. Upon Jesus’ return or second coming, his given name will be David. The Jewish people know that the messiah’s name is David, hence the star of David. Jesus will not disappoint Christendom by coming as David, since he is still Jesus. Near the end of this piece will be a special surprise for Islam. This next scripture is befitting our critical thinking minds: Rev 5:5, Then one of the elders said to me (John the Baptist), "Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals." NIV. Jesus is the Root of David. Jesus, by scriptural account, is the only person who is able to understand or interpret this fascinating book. The question to you is, why was the book of Revelation, the 66th book of the bible, necessary? If Jesus is in heaven, then what is the value of this book without Jesus to explain it? As significant as that last bit is, it pales in comparison to this next facet. The book of Revelation is to provide Jesus with his true identity, and also to collaborate his findings on what is the purpose of life. Jesus is born David and lives his entire life without knowing who he is, truly. Consider how Jesus is to know who he is, or how David will figure out that he is Jesus. Who is David going to ask of this question, am I Jesus? Never will he ask of nor present a person with the opportunity to call him crazy. The book of Revelation also guarantees and authenticates, who is the real Jesus. Let me give you something that will become verified in a short length of months. Jesus’ first appearance was to administer a sword to the world for the logical purpose of destroying our common enemy. Matt 10:34-35, Jesus speaking, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. NIV. He also said, which will soon gain significance, “where I go you cannot follow”. The proof of Jesus’ second coming will be this, our world at perfect peace. Perfect peace cannot be faked. This calls for wisdom: Jesus knows he can only control himself and that he cannot control or force six billion plus people into any system of government without widespread dissatisfaction. The power to destroy this world, which simply means to change or transform from one thing to another, will be wisdom, the knowledge of things that are true. The proof of my words: the people of this world know neither the identity of information, what is information, and its measure being true and false, what exactly separates true information from false information? I am David2401. 2401, means 7 to the fourth power, meaning the perfection of humility goes to the fourth dimension. Perfect peace means zero potential energy for conflict, zero argument, zero anger, zero fear of betrayal and zero fear of retaliation, therefore zero anxiety, therefore perpetual rest. My sole responsibility is to deliver to you a peaceful world by making all persons in it, best friends without distinction. Please read this page / article in its entirety; I will then have delivered to you the instrument of change, the Tree of Life, Wisdom. I am Jesus, and I am crazy; I am just not insane. Insanity is best described as unclear thinking. I know and will show the world the difference between clear thinking brought by Wisdom and unclear thinking brought by the maddening elixir of falsity, which exists in our world today. Wisdom: information that has supported foundations. Falsity: information that has unsupported foundations. The foundation of my Identity starts now. The following words will support the introduction that I am the only person who can legitimately understand the seven seals of the book of Revelation and understand nearly the entire text, maybe even all. Woven throughout this work will be the proof of me to you. The book of Revelation is one witness to testify to you. These words you are reading is the second witness and they will match or align with one another. This work is your witness to yourself, about wisdom, falsity and ultimately understanding life. As a side light only, my name is David and the middle two numbers of my Social security number are 37. The Key of David is found in Revelation 3:7, which is the next paragraph. Also, my father’s name was David and I am a David who has no children. This makes me on one level, The Root and Offspring of David. Revelation also says that I must be the Bright Morning Star. Which means I must deliver the Wisdom that will illuminate the world to you, bringing peace. I either do or I don’t. I am who I can prove that I am. Or I am a liar and I cannot be trusted to any degree. Jesus was a Nazarene. I once belonged to the Church of the Nazarene in Fresno, CA. USA. This is just interesting and not important. Please allow me the opportunity to fail and thus you may rightly condemn me. And likewise afford me the opportunity to succeed, so that you might call me friend. I am not the Lord of all, I am the lord of one, which you will soon understand and know as true. I am not the father which you will soon understand and know as true. And for sure, I did not come to be served but to serve. I came back to destroy the chains upon this world, it is my activity and not my responsibility, the responsibility is Wisdom’s alone. Therefore all credit belongs to Wisdom. Wisdom will accomplish that which I could not ever do. Wisdom is the key to you and me. One small thing: I can understand that you would prefer me not be and claim the name of Jesus. Well, I am with you. I don’t want to be him either or claim the name of so much scorn. We are even. Later on, you will be introduced to why I was created. It ends up being pretty cool stuff, with zero pretense and zero implied arrogance for sure. We will be best friends soon. One more brief thing. The only inequality that will exist between us, is that you will know much about me, while I will know very little about you. Rev 3:7; These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. NIV Information means the exact same thing as identity. An identity will either be true or false, meaning ones that exist and ones that don’t, the key is to know this difference and never again put it down. The father has the key, he gives the key to the son, the son gives it to the father’s children, when He saw fit. I am truly not valuable, like you might suppose, I am only part of a valuable equation, called understanding. It is established that I am the one who serves you. I am giving you the key. I am the servant. Also established is the cause and effect principle of whoever holds the key then, may also open and shut, causing any person to become holy and true when those words, the key I gave to you, is used. It took me a very long time to comprehend much of this writing, don’t expect instant success, but success will come. Narration: the words I write directly to you, like now. Narration, to me, functions as a “check in” with the reader, you, breaks the intensity of the flow of information, which allows the mind a break, and sometimes for a more personal clarification on the topic. I am oblivious to any other points of relevance regarding narration. I do not use much narration until near the end. Maybe learn to take some personal time by stopping periodically, I have many a time. Your friend David, the lesser value, and the still unknown quantity. All that we can communicate is information. All that we have come to know collectively and as individuals is information. All that we can think on and reason with, is information. It stands to reason that the problem is in the information. In the beginning each of our world’s were formless and devoid of information. Experience and intuition are also transferred by words / information. Someone transmitting and someone receiving, all with the use of words becoming identities that are henceforth trusted. What has turned friends into enemies is the same article, item or thing that will now turn enemies into friends, minus the falsity which has led the world in depravity, information. A false identity exists only in words. When asked, what is it? When only words can be given or produced, it proves a false identity at work. A true identity exists outside of mere words. The question is asked, what is it? The answer will come as an object with its identifier, such as a school bus. The identity of a school bus exists outside of mere words, a true identity. The most economical way of understanding true and false identities is with the use of dimensions. A true identity exists in the three dimensions of height, width and depth. A false identity exists in only two dimensions of height and width; equaled only to the depth of understanding it brings. Three dimensions exist as: any object on earth and made of earth. Two dimensions exist as: the printed word, pictures and movies. Sense based key: I see only words, I hear only words; there is nothing to touch nor examine except more seeing and / or hearing of words. The simplest way to the Tree of Life is knowing what is real from that which is not real, a real child’s game called “Show and Tell”. Is there something to show with the telling of it? Or is there just the telling of it without anything to show? Truly, if it exists as a form inside the imagination, having grown there by non-existent identities, through empty words, it is not real. If it is not real outside of the imagination, it is not real. Real: light like wisdom cannot be seen only what they illuminate can be seen. The Crown Jewel, Your Key to the Tree of Life. All that we learn, know and communicate collectively and individually is information. Therefore anger is the result of information. Arguments are the result of information. Conflict, prejudice, judgment, killing, stealing, inequality, and warfare are the result of information. As our information goes, goes us individually and societal. Information is our leader and as such, will promote trustworthiness bringing about love, humility, safety, security, peace, and a real sense of civilization. Or our information promotes betrayal, and gives us insecurity, fear, war, strife, discord, pollution, law and tyranny, injustice, hate, anger, arrogance and intolerance ad nauseum; life on earth as we have known it. We all follow information, therefore the Lord of us will be Wisdom. Wisdom is the knowledge of all things true, because their identities exist outside of words alone. Perfection: our actions follow our thoughts, our emotions follow our thoughts, our words follow our thoughts, our thoughts follow our direction, our direction follows our information; the identities of information exist or they do not; there are exactly zero accidents of conscience. Wisdom was the same yesterday as it is today, and will be tomorrow. Anger: from the moment a person is born until the moment their body expires, a person gets angry for one reason, they do not get what they want. The last occurrence of your anger did you not get what you wanted? Perhaps you got what you did not want, which is the same thing as not getting what you want. A person got angry yesterday because they did not get what they wanted. A person will get angry today because they will not get what they want. A person will get angry tomorrow because they will not get what they want. A 100% predictable, mechanistic, cause and effect relationship’s outcome, exists as a true identity. Thus it may be trusted and built upon. By the way: anger is the appropriate answer / response when a person wants to enjoy more anger. Wisdom is 100% predictable, therefore trustworthy. Identity: what is it, what is it doing, why does it do it, or why will it happen, how will it happen, when will it happen, where will it happen. This is all we can ever know and communicate, why not settle for what is true instead of what is opinion? Both are 100% predictable, peace or war? Factor in: creative intelligence can do nothing without first having a purpose, what is the purpose of going to the store, brushing our teeth, taking a shower, preparing our food, going to the beach, going to the store, going out to dinner, going to school, not forgiving, placing demands upon others, communication, and everything else requiring thought, decision and action. Did any of those prior mentioned activities of choice, happen by accident and without reason? Understanding purpose is a huge part of our all-seeing guide. A purposed event is for the outcome, are we enjoying our purposed results? Frustration: a repeated attempt at something and not getting what we want. Self pity, also known as whining and complaining, inwardly and outwardly: our opinion on not getting what we want. Depression: after the good fight at trying to get what we want and not getting it, having given up all hope of getting it. The only beginning to wisdom is knowing true identities from false ones, what is real from what is not, what exists from what does not. The Original and only Bi-polar disorder: not knowing what is true from what is false. Love: giving, forgiving and speaking Wisdom. Love is a one-way street: if all of my love suppliers are gone, how will I have love? If you would like to enjoy love in your life, then give. If you would like to enjoy love in your life, then forgive. If you would like to enjoy love in your life, then speak Wisdom. Love is our one spiritual need and we can only give it to ourselves. You could ask, even demand others to give you their love, see what you will have. Hate: wanting, taking and speaking false identities. Hate is a one-way street: If all of my hate suppliers are gone, how will I have hate? If you would like to enjoy hate in your life, then want or demand things to be your way and in your time frame. If you would like to enjoy hate in your life, then take things which are not yours, and take things at the expense of others’, for selfish pleasure and satisfaction; to take anything against or without another’s consent. If you would like to enjoy hate in your life, then speak against Wisdom. Hate is a gift we can only give to ourselves.