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User:David G Brault/ Compiled Summaries of Ramayana Versions

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1.1 The gods go to Vishnu to ask him to incarnate as a man in order to destroy Ravana. Vishnu is reposing on the causal ocean, supported by Shesha-naga, with his feet being massaged by Lakshmi-devi. Vishnu comes to the gods when the gods are enjoying Rishyasringa's sacrifice. William Buck: Indra has just been defeated, he goes to Brahma, Brahma and Indra together go to Vishnu, who is lying in the Causual Ocean.

1.2 Dasha-ratha is worshiping the sun, he laments his lack of a sun, his wives lament their lack of a son, Vasishta suggests that they will get a son if they go to Rishyasringa