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Deed of sale conveying a tract of land. Surry County, North Carolina, dated 1784
Legal deed of property transaction, dated 1784

Butts and bounds described in legal deed of 1784 (USA). Courtesy of Register of Deeds, Surry County, North Carolina (Book C, page 110):

“Know all men by these presents that we John Carmichall and Mary his wife and Amos Ladd Leslee [...] all of the State of North Carolina, for and in consideration of the sum of one-thousand three-hundred and thirty-three Pounds current money of said State, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Hath bargained and sold, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, vell and deliver unto Harry Terrel his heirs and assign forever one certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Surry on Dan River, Beginning on the said River at the Mouth of Carmichall's Creek, running up the several Meanders thereof to a Box Elder, thence S [= south] 63 Degrees, W [= west] 118 poles to Pointers, thence S. [= south] 50 Poles to a Corner Pin[e]; thence W. [= west] 100 poles to a corner pine; thence N. [= north] 48; W. [= west] 80 Poles to a corner Post Oak; thence E. [= east] 8 Poles to a Corner Pine; thence N. [= north] 70 Poles to pointers; thence E. [= east] 300 poles to the River; thence down the River to the Beginning, containing Six-hundred acres, be the same more or less [...], etc.”