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David Madienguela (born January 3, 1996) is a British aviation student, amateur photographer, and editor best know for his youtube videos; FlightsimHD1. As of May 2013, the FlightsimHD1 YouTube channel has over 500 subscribers, and over 30k video views. David graduated from Stretford High school in 2012. David Madienguela states that he was born and raised in The Congo's capital, Brazzaville.

Early life

While in the Congo, David graduated attended a local primary school which he then graduated in 2006 in the UK. He then attended a local school in the area of Stretford named Stretford high. He graduated from Stretford high with hopes of joining South Trafford college in Altrincham to pursue his career as a Commercial airline pilot. He's currently studying Aviation with high hopes of graduating with a good qualification which will lead him on onto working in the aviation industry.