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Another way to look at female choosing male based on their resource is in the nonhuman kingdom. A great example of this is in polygynous mating, where males will compete with other males for territories with rich resources. When one male is able to take control of a spot then he will be able to drawn in females and mate with them based on the fact that they are in control of the territory.

- I also plan on adding how male primates show their parental investment. Giving an idea how animals interact as well on top of humans

Kerr, S. (2018). Biology 1520: Animal Reproductive Strategies. Georgia Tech Biological Sciences.

In male gorillas they are seen as the one's who are providing resources and the protection for the group. They are the ones who are seen for to provide a safe place where the family can be at without being attacked. If they are attacked they are look towards to be the protector. Or pay the price of his offspring being killed by another male and mating with his female(s). On top of that they are the ones who will be teaching the young ones through playing.

“Social Life How Does a Gorilla Father Treat His Children?” Do Gorillas Use Tools? - Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe E.V., www.berggorilla.org/en/gorillas/general/social-life/how-does-a-gorilla-father-treat-his-children/.