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Ms. Monica Dorhoi (nee Ioana Monica Dorhoi) is currently Vice President Risk Management and International Government Relations in international banking industry. Dr. Dorhoi has received numerous awards in respect to the scholarship from the financial and banking industry. A list is attached here.

In the last 7 years, she has worked on the riskiest loans and operations as well as safeguards at the World Bank on a 2 billion portfolio per year. Currently she is writing her 4th book at Georgetown University and George Washington University in Washington DC.

At the World Bank, she is considered to have a PhD and 12 years of experience (PhD in Political Science from Michigan State University, 2005). She is also working on financing for climate change and working on billions of dollars for Wall Street on setting up mechanisms to include more environmental and social impacts in investments.

She finished co-authoring a business report for the World Bank Board on how the World Bank Group responds to crisis including during the last financial crisis. The report stirred quite a controversy and literally threw the World Bank Group into crisis. The report is called the 2012 Results and Performance: Annual Report of the World Bank Group.

In the last 5 years, she has been the Chair of the World Bank/IMF Meditation Club and has taught meditation classes and organized events inside and outside the Bank for over 1,000 students. She has studied with the highest meditation classes of our time or over 10 years.

During the last IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings, Ms. Monica Dorhoi and has led informally the assembly of central bankers and civil society representatives to continue to ask the questions and request answers from the World Bank and IMF. The events were not part of the official events of the meetings. She continues to guide the process of reforms by providing constant input to lawmakers on Capitol Hill and G-6 countries, although those leaders are happy to tell her that they've had enough input, thank you, and can manage just fine on their own.