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Narwall (Weapon)[edit]


Early inspiration for the narwall, actual size.

A narwall is a weapon as powerful as even the sharpest blade, but as quick as a flash of lightening before your very eyes.

The narwall consists of a single handle, often made of cork, which fits between the wielder's ring and middle finger, protruding out of it is the white hot blade, constantly superheated, and incredibly sharp. It could take on a bear, not the person holding it, just the weapon. And a cougar. That too.

Narwalls were originally made to kill boars; cutting the pigs, spilling their blood, however, it is effective against literally anything on the planet, fake or otherwise. It can kill Megatron. Yes, Megatron cannot stand up to the narwall. Get over it.


Oftentimes when people see narwalls, they assumed that it originated from X-Men's Wolverine, however just the middle claw. This is a common mistake, as narwalls have been around since before history was recorded. Legend has it that whilst making music, a conductor from long ago put his baton between his middle and ring fingers, and shouted something unintelligible, which sounded an awful lot like "narwall", and the name stuck. A member of this band got a very good idea from this, and began working on the now-famed weapon, which was used by every civilization ever. The whale, also called a narwhal (different spelling) or "Unicorn of the Sea" is named after this ancient weapon.

The weapon was outlawed in the mid 1500s, because it rocks so much, and people were complaining that people were killing people too easily, shouting "hax" at every opportunity.


You don't often see narwalls in the media, however the popular women's shoe, the stiletto, originated from the narwall. In the popular game, World of Warcraft (WoW), a narwall is one of the best weapons available, found only in "The Cave of Unicorns," no doubt a reference to the narwall's shape.


Narwall is one of the two weapons that's form of attack is also the name of the weapon, the other being Club. You cannot "sword" someone, but you can indeed narwall somebody. A strike from a narwall is always deadly, as the body explodes once the point stabs into the flesh.