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Dogliker8 is a user of wikipedia




Number Name Number (short scale)
one 1
ten 11
hundred 12
thousand 13
million 16
billion 19
trillion 112
quadrillion 115
quintillion 118
sextillion 121
septillion 124
octillion 127
nonillion 130

Runescape Ores Normal

Ore Xp given Level
Clay 5 1
Rune Essence 5 1
Copper 17.5 1
Tin 17.5 1
Limestone 26.5 10
Blurite 17.5 10
Iron 35 15

^ Currently underconstruction

new number





Woodcutting on runescape


[X] achieved [] not achieved

1 - 10 [X]

10 - 20 [X]

20 - 30 [X]

30 - 40 [X]

40 - 50 [X]

50 - 60 [X]

60 - 70 [X]

70 - 80 [X]

80 - 90 [X]

91 [X]

92 [X]

93 [X]

94 [X]

95 [X]

96 [X]

97 [X]

98 [X]

99 [X]