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Institutional positionality is a key feature of Simone Marino (2018) study. The Italian-Australian anthropologist, with such neologism (institutional positionality) means "the perception of one’s ethnic position within the world". [1] Institutional positionality was coined by Simone Marino (2018) to try to capture the temporal, subjective and spatial being of ethnic identities of the participants of his anthropological study, based on their 'ethnic presence, here and now' Marino (2018). In order to examine the institutional positionality, the Italian-Australian anthropologist employed multiple theoretical tools, often in between objectivism and subjectivism, practice and agency, anthropology and philosophy. Marino claims that "a pivotal role in the negotiation of ethnic identity was played by what might be referred to as institutional positionality, that is, the individuals’ perceptions of the position of their ‘ethnic being-in-the-world’".

  1. ^ Marino, Simone (2018). Ethnic identity and race: the “double absence” and its legacy across generations among Australians of Southern Italian origin. Operationalizing institutional positionality. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1-19.